Blessing of Al'Mara

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Mister Tuggles, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!


    Blessing of Al'Mara, at least during this match, has not been applying Arial Supremacy or giving race angel on any of the witches I have cast it on.

    Will try to duplicate, but I cast it 3 times with 0 witches getting arial or race:angel. It does grant flying.

    Edit 1: Confirmed in another skirmish match. Blessing of Al'Mara is only applying flying to witches. No other bonus is given. Race not changed, etc.

    Edit 2: Confirmed that Blessing of Al'Mara applies ALL buffs on Aria the Priestess.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
  2. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!


    Any word on this from a dev? Just tried it again today, and still no buffs were given to a witch it was cast on other than flying.
  3. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Blessing only gives Aerial and Race to Paladins or Priests now.
  4. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    Was this in the patch notes or something? Skill description still says "If you own target champion, it gains Arial Supremacy and Race:Angel"

    Why would they change this spell anyway?
  5. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Good catch with the description. That should indeed be fixed. It was changed due to interactions with champions like Earth Golem.
  6. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Apparently, the ability was updated but not the text. This should be fixed the next time we do a patch. Good Find!
  7. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    What about just making the skill only work on 1x1's? Wouldn't that eliminate a lot of the problems, but still allow it to be used in split factions?
  8. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Some of this is for promoting certain themes. This is a spell that is more for a Pally/Priest deck. It could always change in the future if it ends up being too specific.
  9. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    What about my random, obscure pally/witch deck that used blessing to beef up inkblight? Oh sad day, sad day indeed.

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