Boon of the Undead

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Netherzen, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    Not all races need a racial,and racial abilities themselves are a diffferent topic.The removal of boon will open design space,how that space will be used or if it will be used at all,is not relevant right now.
    I highly doubt that sok will do anything like your example if it will not fit the theme and be a burden to the theme.

    Speaking of disease relics,equipment and spells,here is a list along with disease "issue":

    Corpse pile:disease aura and spawns a zombie with disease aura
    Plague trap:Infectious 3
    Bag of filth:spawns plague traps which give infectious 3
    Fleshsewn helmet: provides disease aura to equiped champion
    Desecration: Aoe disease damage
    Plague: Infectious 5
    Touch of Death: provides disease aura to targeted champion
  2. Daerthalus

    Daerthalus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Not every champ with an X Aura has immune X. Plenty of themes have Fire or Frost Aura champs played in theme despite lacking the Eater or Immune abilities. It is a bit of work, but IMO definately worth it.

    That being said, some champs will probably want/need the ability. In those cases you are looking at nothing more than a 1 nora cost reduction (immunity), or a 2 nora increase (eater).

    Boon of the Undaed (4 nora) = 3 (Immune Disease) + 2 (Fearless) + x (globe bonus).
    Immune Disease (3 nora)
    Disease Eater (6 nora)

    I dont know how much more viable the disease theme will become if their champ lose Boon and gaining Immunity. Seems like a nerf rather than a bonus for those champs, but at least they wont be facing a 100% auto lose match up.

    3 FW Champs with Disease Aura (Base or forced on Upgrade)
    - Afflicted Corpse
    - Elsari Siren
    - Infected Zombie

    8 FW Champs with Disease Aura (Optional Upgrade)
    - Carrion Colossus
    - Carrionling
    - Corpse Golem
    - Corrupted Guardian
    - Fleshblight Zombie
    - Lost Queen
    - Mairdreth of the Rot
    - Wretched Witch

    6 FW Champs with Death Nova: Disease
    - Afflicted Corpse (Upgrade)
    - Bile Zombie (Upgrade)
    - Death Guard (Upgrade Forced)
    - Deathcaster (Base)
    - Festering Corpse (Upgrade)
    - Gravewatcher (Upgrade)

    Quick Comparison to other Damage-Type Themes (# of Champs)

    - Eater - 25 (21 in UD)
    - Immunity - 27 (11 in UD)
    - Eater - 9 (9 in ST)
    - Immunity - 6 (4 in ST)
    - Eater - 7 (1 in KF)
    - Immunity - 21 (3 KF)
    - Eater - 5 (5 in FS)
    - Immunity: 12 (6 FS, 3 KF)
    - Eater 2 (1 FS, 1 UD)
    - Immunity: 10 (4 FS)


    11 FW champs with Disease Aura (3 Forced, 8 Optional). 6 Champs with Disease Death Nova (2 Forced, 4 Optional).

    Viable theme such as poison only has 5 (Eaters) and 6 (Immune) champs in its faction rune pool. Thus, the need for Disease Immunity / Eater is not really that much of an issue. Certain runes may need changing (Plague, Corpsepile, etc.)

    Overall - Removing FW's Bane of the Undead will not require a huge amount of reworking runes and will provide a good overall benefit.
    yobanchi likes this.
  3. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I moved this thread in FW forums so we can make sure FW players knows this is coming and can also post suggestions/comments.
  4. mw24

    mw24 I need me some PIE!

  5. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    How will zombies and disease damage be handled? I seem to remember Disease Eater being recommended but that would run costs up a little.
  6. fattyy2k

    fattyy2k I need me some PIE!

    FW is what got me into this game nearly ten years ago (holy crap). My knee jerk is NO DONT DO NOT MY UNDEAD! But honestly I agree it would be good as long as zombies as a race received an immunity to disease or something like that. Then disease and a damage type BG could actually be a semi competitive theme.
  7. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    For now, I will just put Immunity or Eater on a few key ones that probably need it. But long term I might add it to Zombie Apocalypse since that's the major one where you shouldn't be taking damage from the things you Swarm.
  8. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Festering Corpse doesn't have any sort of aura or nova on base, and can only get a weak nova out of upgrades, so that is, fortunately, not actually that big of a problem.
  9. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Note: Not all champions will get the full -4, as some like the Angel of Death (and many EXO/LEG), was already modified to have it for free, etc.
  10. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    For some reason I thought it did. Maybe it used to.

    EDIT; But yea, probably better this way anyway.

    Tho it might be fun if Zombie Apocaylpse did give an aura and immunity at 5 zombies.
  11. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Pretty sure it used to have a disease aura on base. Made the zombie horde much more terrifying. Was a while ago, though, I think.
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi


    Yep, looks like it did pre-revamp. Rank 1 base, Rank 3 on upgrades. I miss being able to do that, incidentally.
  13. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    That prevamp version looks awesome. I would play that.

    What specifically did you like about the older upgrade system? How does that differ in your eyes from having a champ with U1: Rank 1, Rank 3?
  14. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    A few things, and mostly tied to the fact that upgrades didn't have costs.

    It allows for things like the Corpse above, where you can have Disease Aura 1 base, and Disease Aura 3 base (which isn't possible now since you'd have to pay full nora for the Rank 3).

    In general terms, it allowed to be more deliberate in my champion designs. The cost of a champion is the cost of a champion, and I can cost a champion appropriately based on all possible builds in the upgrade. Offering 4 upgrades is much less problematic in terms of homogenizing roles as compared to offering 6 (which is why I have been experimenting with fewer upgrades as well).

    Compared to now, if I want to give a champion a discount on an ability, or charge extra for internal champ synergy, those abilities have to be on base OR some upgrades just suffer as choices.
  15. Lonewatch

    Lonewatch Member

    This sounds awesome, and I love the idea of Zombie Apocalypse giving disease aura when you have 5 zombies. And just wondering what zombies would you be giving immunity or eater to?
    fattyy2k likes this.

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