Broken Campagain

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by uaChakra, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. uaChakra

    uaChakra Member

    Campagain "Guardian of Sarnghaver > The Scale Skin Invaders" is broken.
    In 1st mission of this campagain player need to finish 2 phases.
    1st Phase is to clear all monster.
    2nd Phase is kill boss (Basilisk Templar)
    But with around 20% chance when you clear 1st phase , boss not spawn. Or time to time he spawn on mountain and cant move.
    I post 2 screenshots that shows that boss isnt spawned.
    To be sure i even kill all monster on map.

    Attached Files:

  2. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Can anyone else confirm this is happening consistently?
  3. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I haven't had it happen every time, but I have noticed multiple campaigns that have a boss appear after clearing all monsters, the boss doesn't always appear. I know that there's one level that is part of the Hunt for Sardina that it happened to me on yesterday. I thought that it was because I tried skipping the conversation, so I closed it and replayed, but the same result happened when I let all the conversations play out.
  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Thanks for the info.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Hrm, for some of the newer campaigns, this is generally due to the boss spawning in a very specific location and if that location is blocked when the spawn is proc'd, it will not occur again.
  6. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    The campaign I'm referring to from the Hunt for Sardina, there are two spawns. The first is an invulnerable woman, the second is the sprite of a mirror skin stitched. It worked for me playing on Normal a few days ago, and based on what I saw that day, they both spawn inside the shrine deployment zone. I was outside the shrine deployment zone by at least 2 spaces for my nearest champ. I will keep that in mind for other campaigns.
  7. uaChakra

    uaChakra Member

    today this happend 2 time in a row.
  8. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    After looking into this, I did have this issue happen once. Unfortunately, we need a way to reproduce this more regularly so if you are able to get this to happen every time please post what you did to get this to happen.
  9. uaChakra

    uaChakra Member

    I believe its as KTCAOP says when spawned location blocked he not spawn. Because time to time he spawn on maintain and cant even move. First I think he not spawn because my forces was close to enemy shrine. But next time when I was far away this happens again. I think there is no special condition to force this bug. It just random chance to make this happened.
  10. uaChakra

    uaChakra Member

    today happend again.

    Attached Files:

  11. uaChakra

    uaChakra Member

    and more . that boss just dont have location to be summoned.

    Attached Files:

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