Bugs, years old, that no one seems to fix.

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by ThePoxOG, May 12, 2014.

  1. ThePoxOG

    ThePoxOG The King of Potatoes

    Im on mac OS
    8gb ram
    27" screen

    I include the screen size because ever since d.o.g. took over, fullscreen no longer displays properly. if i try to change the resolution, it tells me that is not an acceptable resolution. The bottom of the screen cuts off right above the numbers of the champs stats, so its unplayable this way

    Mirrored - either fix the wording on aura, ping, or mirrored... or follow your own rules. aura and ping should not bypass mirrored. however if for some non-intellectual reason thats how you want it, then it needs to be stated.

    Grintmaw hym - is supposed to negate damage that would be taken. However, it is incredibly broken. If i have cast grintmaw hym, and then cast righteous deflection, and the enemy attacks the champ with RD, the damage is still taken off of grintmaw hym, this is wrong. The champ is not taking damage, therefore it should not remove any of the buff. ALSO, If my champ has magic eater, and i have grintmaw hym cast. And the enemy attacks with magic against my champ with magic eater.... it removes the HEALED HP from the buff... once again, this is obviously incorrect.

    Blink - i really dont think i have to say anything here... 7 year old bug, come on guys.

    I love your game, i have played since the month it started, and never ever do i want to know how many hours i have actually put in, because im sure i could have built a new pyramid in that amount of time lol. But sometimes i ask myself "wtf are these guys doing". Im sure you guys want to make money, so to make money you need players, but it is nearly impossible to keep a new player in this game... the new tutorials help , but the lack of consistency with the wording of and the function of abilities is taxing on noobs. I think this is shown with the slight jump from a constant 70 online (soe) to 150 online (dog) . I have tried to get a ton of people to play this game, not one stuck with it for more than a few days. New players i play against constantly *****ing because something says it does something, but it doesn't . I have more bugs, i will post if youd like, but i feel like these posts fall to deaf ears, i cant be the only person who's realized this stuff yet none are fixed.

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