came back after a long time, what happend?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adam B, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Adam B

    Adam B The King of Potatoes

    so i came back after like 2 yeats i havent played. i downloaded the game but what the hell is th UI it all looks like a very old playstation game. i could not get it to be full screen either i can see anything when i choose to make full screen. what happend to this game? how do i even make a match?
  2. rathma

    rathma Member

    honestly man, its in the middle of a big re-boot. it's buggy, glitchy and all kinds of washed up stripper broken. play bots and get a feel for the game and the bugs ranked if played is to taken as fun not competitive
  3. Reginald

    Reginald New Member

    I think it's time for a real reset. Maybe if we do a big rotation of runes and focused on ads and pushing the game out instead of a weak client. More players might come around
  4. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    push the game= good, but they need a more stable client before doing that
  5. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Rotation = bad for long standing players who don't want to limit the use of their collections.

    Rotation = completely necessary for attracting new players and breaking the massive tune pool into manageable segments for new players to learn and not feel overwhelmed.
  6. Reginald

    Reginald New Member

    If you want the game to grow and bring new players in...instead of offering just solo play modes. Then a rotation is necessary, no question about it. Long time players even myself will lose alot. Ive been playing since the days of a subs. It sucks to say but the game will not go anywhere if when new players join they are forced to find old runes just to make a meta deck.

    The game needs a fresh start and ads being pushed, It's to hard to keep trying to balance old runes and it limited design space. Everything that comes out is force to be powercreeped, but it's just a thought. I've cared about this game to long..seeing it get lower and lower each day sucks but can't do much about that.
  7. thegne

    thegne The King of Potatoes

    it is a singles game now , guilds are useless!you have no idea who is in a room!i cant even see a chat log when im in que for a game ? so that makes it a singles game this new client has took all the fun out of this game
  8. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    I understand your point of view, guys, and i'll try to explain why, for me, rotation would be bad for this game. I already did it like 1year ago in another post, i think. but anyway:

    1. Rotation is good to keep a game competitive when you have a game with a high population that netdecks a lot, and has an important competitive scene. Like mtg, heartstone, etc...
    Pox will never ever have a high population, because its complex mechanics bring only a certain niche kind of player to this game. And its ok like that, the game shouldn't try to adapt too much to new players' needs, or it would lose older players that are the loving ones. It is already a game where only the patient players will stay. And they don't care about 3000runes.

    2. Pox is NOT only a card game. It has a huge "miniaturegame" component that shouldn't be underestimated. Expecially when a lot of thematic focus is put on races and classes. Most of the players get into a "love" relation with a faction, a theme etc... when they lose access to a part (or all) their theme, they could (and should) be very angry.A new player will feel overwhelmed by the runes in Pox. But its like starting MTG. you cannot think you will get everything in the game. usually you start playing, you get a faction/theme you like. You play until you get that bg/theme and main it. then you expand to others. its not like if you dont have half the runes of the game you cannot play. Mogabait plays only minos, and he is 2nd best player at the moment. He could be playin with the same 4000 shards from the begininning of this career. But if you rotate and he loses that 3-4 minos that make the bg unplayable, i bet he would be quite pissed off.

    3. Pox isn't a real card game. Mtg, netrunner, some point need to rotate also because devs are humans and sometims make mistakes. they make wrong cards. And FAQs are bad for the game, they create confusion. Pox is an online game. Devs can correct card if they are wrong. They can modify older cards to make them playable again. So you have already a rotation every patch. Some runes will still not see any play in competitive play, but maybe they are very important for that one thematic bg. Why take them away?
  9. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    thats a known problem and they are going to resolve it, please be patient while the client is still not in good condition
  10. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I think it's more that we could be past the point where we can afford to go to rotation.
  11. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Regardless I think the game is past saving sadly .
  12. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Maybe, it looks bad right now but it depends if they can fix the issues and then start to biuld back a user base.

    I don't think it will have a long term future or anything, but it could limp on for another year or so.
  13. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i think it could have a longer term future, as long as its the only product like this, so the players who are searching for this kind of gameplay have no other option.
    If they do a good work now and get a stable client in lets say 1 year, then they can keep this game working with a small dev team, a smallish userbase, get a couple expansions per year etc... with thousands stable players and some thousands more coming and going everytime.
  14. rathma

    rathma Member

    axeraiser said
    problem is MTG use's it to keep pulling in more new players then old players leaving, its sad but i played for 15yr's since 4th edition. i got tired of buying "new" better versions of stuff i bought 5yr's ago just to keep up.

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