Capricis Bug Compilation 2

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Capricis, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Well. Another two weeks have gone by and I'm still playing this damn addicting game. I promised I'd take better notes, but it's pretty hard in the middle of games, ha, sorry. Hopefully these all make sense.

    1) When Goblin Dirtbag hits someone: In Combat Log: ability.impairvision.activate

    2) Psychic Magnetism from Tempest Crown: Shows ability.psychicmagnetism in combat log

    3) Dragonflight shows this in global effects list: effect.Dragonflight_global.description

    4) Soultap Garnet: In combat log: ability.soultap_luminescence.activate when Garnet debuffs someone.

    5) Intimidation shows in combat log: effect.intimidation.start for each effected enemy.

    6) Can't forge or shard Thorn Collection, Octopi Helmet, or any banners. This intentional?

    7) Is this a bug? Had a Voil Bomber engaged with a large unit at start of turn. Voil Bomber used Stone Bomb, knocking large unit into a wall but not causing it to move. Then I tried to move Voil Bomber but 'can't disengage until next turn.'

    8) effect.locustswarmed.start effect.locustswarmed.end shows instead of effects in log

    9) effect.warcrybenifit.start effect.warcrybenifit.end shows instead of effects in log

    10) Extended Set Box says: "Buy 9 packs and get the 10th FREE!" Well... The box costs 31950. But 9 packs should cost 3510 * 9 = 31590. So it's 360 more gold than it should be?!

    11) ability.transfigure.activate after Elsarian Night. This might have been triggered by another rune though?

    12) Snuffed debuff description is a little off.

    13) Chat bar is partially hidden on 1000x700 resolution.

    14) ability.abilityname.464.activate - when khong monk attacks using his disciplined strike

    15) Tried to use Ghern Thrower to launch Voil Jester on a cliff space. Didn't work, and ability was used.

    16) Also, Throw Champion doesn't specifically say you can't throw Large units, but this seems to be the case. Makes sense that he would not be able to, but why doesn't it say it can only throw small units then?

    17) When units die, does the log have to inform us that they are 'no longer (poisoned, cursed, whatever)?

    18) Sunder (from Skeezick Wrecker) shows effect.sunder.start, effect.sunder.end

    19) Draconic Benediction doesn't have a buff description on units.

    20) Avatar transforms: ability.transfigure.activate in log.

    21) That send back to base IS spell says 'touched by divine powers' but doesn't say spell name. Might be better if it said the name somewhere in there, so us noobs could click on it and read exactly what happened to the unit.

    22) Dragonflight ability description has a ? at the end of it.

    23) Dragonfear: When you put your mouse over the rune when it's docked to read its description, it has the word "Awestruck" in the description, but a second box doesn't pop up describing it like it does for other keywords.

    24) Orb of Protection effect in log: ability.orbofprotection.activate

    25) When Head of Osarius propagates(?): effect.destealth.trigger shows in log. Because the clones stealth and destealth right away when they get made?
  2. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Roar! I mainly want to know about 10) because I recently got enough gold for my second(!!!excited) Extended box and was wondering if the price was going to go down or stay as-is.

    EDIT: And the Core Box is 540 more than 9 packs! Okay, ha. You got us, DOG. Now quit pulling our leg ):
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
  3. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    the price is correct in owl credits, this difference in gold was mentioned before, but not confirmed. I'd say buy the box as I believe the price will not drop any time soon.
  4. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Have you tried going through "Checklist"? You should be able to Open Forge for the Legendary Spells/Relics/Equips from there. It should still be fixed to be available in the Rune Forge directly, but it is possible. I have sharded many Banners and Octopi Helms this way, though I haven't sharded a Thorn Collection recently, nor have I tested crafting (though there shouldn't be any issues on either of those).
  5. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Ah~~~ Thank you! I just used the checklist to finally get rid of my IS starter deck!!! That helped a lot.
  6. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Roar! Will buy my third box in a few days, and it BETTER BE 360 CHEAPER! *shakes fist*
  7. Capricis

    Capricis Member

  8. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    Thanks for these reports. I have stickied a thread from kalasle for the ability.impairvision.activate things in combat log.

    I've been trying to fix as many of these as possible and giving me those messages is very helpful!

    If you find any further of those ability.impairvision.activate messages, please continue to post them here or in the stickied thread by kalasle.
  9. Nirual

    Nirual New Member

    There are some things you can't shard or craft even from there, such as any limited edition runes (I have 5 limited edition Sunderpedes and I'd sure like to get rid of 3 of them). No dice for the latest expansion either but that's certainly intentional.

    While I'm at it, being able to shard XP tokens would be nice as well.
  10. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Can I have two Sunderpedes? :) You can also sell them to PoxBox.

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