Charge based BGs thread.

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by GabrielQ, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Post here your charged based bgs!
    I'll start with a SL/ST one!/deck/Cu7cWCgLCuwCgvCjFCaKCaJcipcy_s7KS2Ls13s73S7usYs77r1_r30E34
    Focused on swarming aspects of infinity, using processing collar on multiattack ranged units,
    Tundra discipline can be used to grant the aspects with a basic attack.
    There are more combos, like strong nora denial with mengclan lords and keeper of memories, safe bombing with owl raider and marauder, and owl raider + quicken is almost autokill on a lifted unit.
  2. only

    only Active Member

    Tundra Discipline OR Razor Ice + Ritual Crone and Ritual Cultist.
    SL Doombringer+Processing Collar can make it very low tempo hit.

    basically, Ritual Crone and Ritual Cultist were the champions I experimented lately.
    giving (basic) attacks, charge manipulation etc. so it's a bit weird to not see those champions!

    I would still play Zeventrech (great fodder for charges and can make big use of them if everything goes according to plan). he also promotes the style you should aim for. I doubt rushing is viable with such an idea behind deck.

    another idea was to create a budget deck and I guess the core would be 2x Ritual Cultist, 2x Ritual Crone and Kanen Alpha. then using Rage Bands and a way to get attacks.

    so IS has Merchant's Quarter, ST Tundra Discipline and Razor Ice, FS Circadian Vault, KF Burning Oak Seed. there are probably more, but I also take into account what else would that faction offer. too bad For the Empire works just for Voils. splitting with SP (budget version or more experimental things) would be great... that spell is a downer compared to others...

    I suppose any hardcore charge manipulation deck would have Aspect of Violence in it. potential is absurdly stupid...
    GabrielQ likes this.

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