Commercials in pox

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ssharsted, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. Ssharsted

    Ssharsted Member

    This is an idea for Pox to earn a few more coins.

    I have played this game on/off for 5 years and it really is the best game ever. I would like to see this game survive for a long time to come.

    When "playing" pox I often spend quite alot of time watching other games.

    What if there was a banner with a commercial - similar to Youtube. Pox could maybe earn some more money - making the game more profitable and long lived.

    I know that with the current playerbase this idea is no gold mine, but still...

    Would you mind a banner?
  2. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    I would hate a banner on the client.

    On the homepage I wouldn't like it but could deal with it.

    I'd be completely fine with one on the forums.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Gedden has straight up said. "No." to both banner ads on the client, and the main website. The reasons for he explains in one of the earlier Q&A Vids
  4. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    never seen the vid,, im sure his reasons are valid,,, but at this point , it wouldnt affect me,, as long as there no sneaky ones appearing under yer mouse pointer when clicking something else.. not that im into ads,, but if it would be a noticable boost toward poxs funding. i could live with it.

    just curious if any of u guys have a ballpark on what that would generate, , say monthly.
  5. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Stuff like that usually generates revenue depending on views and clicks. Views at a much much much lower rate than clicks. Considering the already small playerbase it wouldnt make very much.

    It would likely be a better option to have a way to generate Owl Coins for watching certain ads. Maybe do something like "Watch 3 30 sec ads and get 100 owl coins" only allow people to do it once a day. This pushes people to watch ads which generate more revenue. You also dont have to have it visible anywhere on your site except on the Get Owl Coins page. Its not an uncommon practice and many much larger games or mobile games have the option.
    Sealer0 and bambino like this.
  6. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    If they implement that I think it would be better if it was for gold rather than owl credits.
  7. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    so maybe I can watch ads while afk'd in tournie? :)
    but really,,, pretty clear on that , thnx markoth, and the small player base is a prob in the first place,, and sok will give us gold to drive up views in turn possibly making him $$$..a little circle,,, a very lil circle...
    sooo, what else we got ? :)
  8. ButterFaceGirl

    ButterFaceGirl Active Member

    Please don't. ads would cheapen the game and would negatively affect the chance a new player will try out. if i went to a game website and it has ads for third party i would just assume it's some shitty third rate scam site and never look back.
  9. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty


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