
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gajeel, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. Gajeel

    Gajeel The King of Potatoes

    I was wondering of someone could clear up some interactions regarding conceal for me.
    There are 2 things im curious about in particular
    1. Firstly, how does it work in 2 v 2?
    Do you and your teamate both have cards concealed? What about your enemies? Do they both have their cards concealed?
    2. Secondly (and this one is a little more complicated) I noticed that once you have concealed all revealed cards, you can then conceal the cards you have on cooldown.
    Does this mean those cards are placed randomly back into your deck and are off cooldown? Can I exploit this to take certain cards off cooldown?
    For example, If I conceal my entire deck, including the cards I have on cooldown, then cast spell ward, or use a champion with anthomancy, can I pull cards that were previously on cooldown out of cooldown?

    Thanks :)
  2. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    Well I can only answer 2.

    If you hide a rune that's on cd then yes it will be off cd when you reveal it again
  3. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    1. i really dont know. i think it conceal only yours but not sure.

    2. concealed rune goes back to deck so when you draw it it is playable immediatly. potentially you could play drown, conceal it, draw it again next turn and replay.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  4. Gajeel

    Gajeel The King of Potatoes

    Awesome :) Any ideas on how to abuse this? :D
  5. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    high cd spells like doom, drown etc. spells that conceal opponents too like darkness. champs with scrying
  6. Gajeel

    Gajeel The King of Potatoes

    Well the concealing part i got covered. FW has a spell called set back which conceals 15 runes. It also has stitched concealer, and lichling which both have conceal. And a spell called setback which cancels a deploy. I can essentially make it impossible for my opponent to play anything, since i also run spell blocks. So they can just play relics and equip.

    The part im not sure how to use is the spell part. And i dont necessarily want stuff like drown.
  7. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    if you look at my guild page the laboratory i posted an ethereal pool bg version that uses this mechanic ;)

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