Countering terrain

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by exiledtyrant, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    How does FW counter terrain disadvantages such as mass water gen, lava spam and making the entire board ice?
  2. kat7ra

    kat7ra Member

    When I was around, we kinda just had to "deal with it"
    Some factions can counter it, some just have to hope they can use the nora the other faction spent to their advantage.

    short version, we don't counter, we live with it. IIRC
  3. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Well, we have many sources of dead magic zone now. We may not be able to remove ice or lava, but at least we can hinder the opponent spreading it everywhere. However, that doesn't account for abilities or relics... so yeah.
  4. kat7ra

    kat7ra Member

    And it's kinda expensive in rune slots, and often more expensive norawise. And it doens't do anything to stuff that spreads each round and death effects.

    We can counter spells pretty well, but thats about it :p
    Only time I've had troubles with it though, is when a certain deck gets out of hand, but then it will gets nerfed pretty soon because then only IS can deal with it because ISisOP :p
  5. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    Well I guess I've came to the same conclusions i was just hoping there was something I was missing. FW never really had any terrain it's a pain to wait it out.

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