Current Champ Cost vs. Revamp Champ Cost

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by dsjtheman, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!


    If the revamps system to cost abilities were implemented now and champs stayed the same, which one of our champs do you think the price would change the most? Basically which champ is most undercosted.

    I suppose the same question could be asked for most over costed champ.
  2. WraithxxV

    WraithxxV Active Member

    Undercosted: The pet champs, aka Queen Anaru and Garu Den Mother. Pet may be removed from the game completely.
    Overcosted: A lot of things, for example Thirion, Jek, Garu Primitive.
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Imagine if pet garu cub was something like a 50-60 nora upgrade (or whatever is fair), would people still choose it to run 100+ nora den mothers?
  4. bluestun

    bluestun Member

    It will be interesting to see which champions gain enough cp that they can use the elite blade for the first time and which champions no longer can use it
  5. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    I'm not entirely sure I subscribe to the belief that pet champions need to be removed entirely, they should just have very limited stats more akin to the snakes summoned by the Charmers and have an appropriate nora cost. Obviously a 45 hp champ with a 40 whatever hp pet for less than 90 nora is insane and must be changed, but I'm not sure the mechanic itself is entirely irredeemable.

    If they are removed however, the mechanics of the Ranger, DM, and Anaru are going to be vastly different and I'm incredibly curious what roles they will play, especially the Ranger who at a glance would seem to suffer the most by losing his pet.

    All that aside, give me a cheaper Jek and I'll love the owls forever anyway as I run around 4 different KF/Other beast splits. :)

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