Current decks

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by xplint, Apr 8, 2016.

  1. xplint

    xplint I need me some PIE!

    Ho guys, im new to UD. Would like to know what bgs are runable
    What is the most competitive bg? In other words, whats the meta right now
    Edit:btw, i do have only 1.4m poxbox points
  2. jhgh2288

    jhgh2288 Well-Known Member

    I'm not primarily an UD player but I've notice on the ladder that a lot of the higher ranked players are running goblins. I've looked into building a goblin BG myself but it is VERY pricey, 1.4m PB points might not even be enough. Newer versions of the goblin theme are also running the newest goblin rune Goblin king which you would pretty much have to pull from packs.
  3. xplint

    xplint I need me some PIE!

    Oh, i see
    Goblin king is really expensive
  4. MelMcGinnis

    MelMcGinnis New Member

    Minos are good, fire is good (and cheap), standard arrow eater UD is good.

    I would just sit in the batterealm and obs UD players.
  5. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

    Didn't I just build you a meta bg?
  6. xplint

    xplint I need me some PIE!

    This post was earlier...
  7. Kilstuforf

    Kilstuforf The King of Potatoes

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