Daily Gold Limit?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lungz421, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    15k would be super.
  2. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    It's a lot of gold o.o
  3. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    With about 10 mins of effort / hr and a gold bonus token I do 2400 gold / hr.. so if I'm just puttering around doing homework or watching Breaking Bad it's not too hard to hit the cap.
  4. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    do u watch bb? Ehehhe

    However there are no more gold token, or any way to obtain them, so i advice u yo use them safely. But with the gold token is easy farm gold, otherwise is a bit hard pass the cap of gold per day
  5. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    It's Spring Break for me and I have watched a truly embarrassing amount of Breaking Bad in the past 4 days.
  6. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

    I know that feeling

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