Damage Calculator

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mampoa, May 4, 2014.

  1. mampoa

    mampoa New Member


    I have no idea if this is even mildly useful to anyone, but I made the above rudimentary "damage calculator" on excel, with a couple buttons for ease-of-use in typical scenarios (facing SL for example).


    The idea is to punch in the damage on your attack (second set of icons) and enter the various defensive abilities you're up against and see what you should actually inflict.

    Alternatively, you can enter the unit's hp (the first set of icons) and see the damage you would need. Note the problem is you would have to manually account for number of attacks by adjusting def/tough stacks yourself, as it all assumes one attack.

    All images are property of DOG, and this is only intended for personal use.

    This came about from my wanting to investigate how various things interact as here: http://forums.poxnora.com/index.php?threads/calculations-and-orders-of-operations.2767/#post-35938

    In case someone is able to point out mistakes and where orders of operations should be different (e.g. amplification after SL perhaps as a random example) or where the rounding is incorrect etc, let me know.

    One interesting thing is evasive seems to round damage down (floor), and reflexes rounds it up (ceiling). Unless I'm mistaken of course.

    There's also some random SP nora refund calcs you can just wipe out.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  2. devrn

    devrn I need me some PIE!

    is this meant to be use in an actual game?
  3. mampoa

    mampoa New Member

    Can be I guess, but it was just an interesting exercise and I thought I may aswell share it.

    I suppose it's unlikely to provide much benefit with having to switch between it and the client though when time is pretty limited as it is, not to mention there are likely wrong calculations in there. I tested a few things out though and this is a best guess kind of thing.

    It could be useful though, depending on the person using it. If nothing else, the investigation for it allowed me learn about the rounding of certain abilities where it is not made clear (e.g. evasive and reflexes as mentioned earlier, or deep wounds).
  4. Eonix

    Eonix New Member

    Newer players who like to crunch numbers quickly may find it quite uesful indeed. And with more and more people using two monitors, you can always pop it up on the second one, if you have it :)
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    First, thanks for sharing.

    Second, on the topic of calculating damages being part of the skill when playing ponora, do you think this spreadsheet is skillfull?

    Precalculated damage please, adding and multiplying has nothing to do with strategy.
  6. devrn

    devrn I need me some PIE!

    its not like its efficient anyway. that would take like 20 seconds from the timer.
  7. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    yeah, but it's useful to illustrate my point.
  8. mampoa

    mampoa New Member

    I agree with you both. Having to do such calculations does not add to strategy much; and my method is not skillful nor efficient. It's pretty basic.

    I would indeed love to have pre-calculated damage when you hover over a unit or something, that way you can spend time on making positional calculations in your head instead, which I think is the part that involves skill, much like chess.
    GabrielQ likes this.
  9. devrn

    devrn I need me some PIE!

    the fact that you have to input all of those calculations is what makes poxnora so redudantly fun!

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