Dear Gedden, Cyclonic Fesh and Korona

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NakedAmerica, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    Ok so i was watching the most recent Q&A and you said if we weren't happy with a champ to let you know.

    So cyclonic fesh and korona were by far my most favorite runes in the game. Cyclone fesh was an amazing ranged unit with a pretty solid ability base. He was over the top for sure. However, I feel taking away his range was the worst thing you could do with him. Now he's just another useless fatty melee champ. 2 range doesnt count as range :p I'm pretty positive I'd consider him shoebox in his current state. Same goes for many other pre revamp ranged champs that got nerfed to 1 range. Maybe I'm just being cynical, but even the AI on easy wrecked him. It's a sad state of affairs.

    Next, my second favorite rune, one that I put basically and arm and leg into getting, Korona, was just abused. Nora cost went up, her signature ability is an upgrade option and she lost oblivion shield which was her only defensive ability. Not to mention the complete loss of battle leader. She now is not awesome for any role, be it glass cannon or just a finisher.

    I honestly feel like my money was placed into a pile and burned in front of me because not only are commons and uncommons and rares better than a good majority of exos and legendaries, but because I've spent 100s of dollars on this game over the years and now everything I spent money on collecting because they were actually worth something to the playerbase are now not even seen in game.

    Even if the runes I've spent more money on getting aren't fixed and made playable again I'll more than likely adapt and continue to play simply because I appreciate the passion and care you and the team put into the game and the players.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2014
  2. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    PurpleTop likes this.
  3. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    victory is mine! ^^
  4. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    And yet you couldn't be bothered to even spell their names correctly...
  5. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    It does bring up a reasonable point. Many of the legendaries in particular (along with 150ks) feel extraordinarily underwhelming. One example, while not strictly a legendary, is the Sarnghavian Centaur. This rune was previously only available if you bought the KF/IS barbarian theme deck. Now it is forgeable, but terrible.

    And I don't mean terrible just in a sense of power, it's terrible in that it's completely uninteresting and really doesn't have any redeeming features.

    So rarity isn't power. That's fine. But they should at least be interesting. Magic the Gathering has an interesting approach to this with their legendary equivalent, mythic rares. Some of them are very powerful, but some of them just have unique and interesting effects. That's what I' d like to see in the future (though for the record I do think that 150ks in particular should be both interesting and powerful).
  6. 0ryuk0

    0ryuk0 I need me some PIE!

    Cyclonic Fesh :(
  7. G_Ro91

    G_Ro91 The King of Potatoes

    Oblivion Shield should die in a fire.
  8. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    cyclonic fesh and Korona
    were not balanced... especially Clyconic... rng 4-6 ? 12dmg ? 7spd. ?? barrage ??? Electric Overload ¿?

    super OP, only 86 nora
  9. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    What's the upgrade path on him? I wanted two, and now when I look at the base version, it seems so bland and boring as a berserkering charger (and class rogue, lol).
  10. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    As i stated in the OP, it was a bit over the top. But that doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed into oblivion, reduced to a squishy melee champ. I liked the feel of the champ, just the way he played and the cool stuff that was possible through his electric themed abilities. And now the dream is dead.
  11. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    squishy melee champ..? mmmm 1-2 range...not melee at all..
  12. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    you, troll, out of my thread
  13. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Cyclonic fesh I think just needs his range back and he will be fine Korona imo is fine as she is but she could use a bit of a nora decrease or atleast give her battle leader back if anything.
  14. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    While the 150ks were probably overnerfed I think it's important that they aren't too powerful given the high difficulty of acquisition.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  15. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    They are no more difficult to acquire than any other random legendary, are they?
  16. ProR2D2

    ProR2D2 I need me some PIE!

    Aspect of "Oblivion"?
  17. Nea

    Nea I need me some PIE!

    I like Korona, I'm never going to say no to cost reduction on champions I like, but design wise she's pretty solid. Not a mobile beater that's also a self healing, group buffing, cancer curing wonder tank she was, but then wasn't the whole point of the revamp to get rid of swiss knife champions?
    SPiEkY likes this.
  18. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Sorry, but im no trolling. a Range of 1-2 , yes , is melee... and no, no is melee. Other champs are nerfed more hard than Cyclonic..
    Im serius. Sorry if i offend u.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
  19. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Yes, but not Korona as a whole. Here's how I would have rebuilt Korona in the new format:

    10 base DMG

    Attack - Physical

    Upgrade Sets:
    Rend 2
    Thirst for Battle

    Pummel 1
    Pummel 2
    Pummel 3 (if you really have to go with Pummel as the upgrades in set 2)

    Now, she has her token ability at base, and you have to choose snowball or vampiric healing (or rend if you want a cheap Korona).
  20. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    This is pretty much all I was trying to get across. In the current format she has no defensive abilities, and doesn't excel at anything. Whereas before she was semi decent in whatever you wanted her to be.

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