Devotee of D'elim

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Poxbrothers, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    There are a lot of them that I would probably run if they did not have Devotee slapped on them for 6 nora on base.

    What do you guys think?
  2. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    I don't think any are priced badly. Shaving 6 off could (arguably) make some too efficient.

    The things that turn me off on the champs more than anything are:
    • Woodmarshal having to turn into a flaming rat to be effective.
    • No one telling Flamemage's artist that only demon elves are purple.
    • A Devotee that drops dead after a few rounds. A short-lived tree would have made infinitely more sense. Deploy cheap, deal some damage, then burn it for the bonus.
    Xirone and Hawkorps like this.
  3. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    It is just really annoying for Wizard BGs, goodstuff BGs, elfs BGs, etc.

    As in those BGs they basically have a 6 nora sandbag.

    On the other hand I don't like moving stuff to upgrades, because it means more often than not "run effeciently" or "run themewise" even though in theme it would still be better effeciently.

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