Discussion: Patch Notes: January 28th, 2016

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Senshu, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I know man, but the AP gain is made when the opponent is playing, so all he has to do is move away from the damn thing.
    Bleh I'm not even going to touch these forums again, all I get is aggravated every time I log on.
    I hope all you 30 people playing this game have fun with this imbalanced crap. Take it easy.
  2. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    Moving out of its massive range will cost you more ap then you could gain. I don't think you understand how it works.

    Hey there are imbalances that need attention, this just is not one of them, and is actualy progress.
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    There are definitely situations where the old Blockade is superior. There are definitely situations where the new Blockade is superior. It largely depends on the map. I think it stronger now these days, to be honest.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  4. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    It removing DMZ seems inconsistent, then. Hallowed Ground actually already does what Naturalize in-part does: remove terrain-type modifications.
  5. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    Fun = inconsistent and confusing mechanics?
  6. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    For some people, yes, for others, no.
  7. R334P3R

    R334P3R I need me some PIE!

    I don't see how bone trap was confusing, it said deploy, not summon, pretty clear. Unlike the terrain discussion, or illusions, or relocation/pull effects, or what order end/start of turn effects happen in, or incorrect/lacking tool tips.

    I agree things should be simplified, but there is a difference between clearing up inconsistency and removing cool mechanics.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  8. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    Inconsistent and confusing mechanics add to the cognitive burden of the game and increase the overall burden of learning and getting into the game.

    Yeah, no. You are wrong and I am glad you have lost this battle.
  9. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Dude, we're getting there. All of these all time meta runes are getting nerfed: UT, Tome of Hate, Ice Storm etc. But yeah, chanelled violence is at least undercosted, perhaps it would even be better if it became AoE 2.
  10. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Btw, Ice Storm still is 50 nora, at least in checklist/manager.
  11. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, it has been a steady train of nerfs as things that are too strong get tapped and too weak get buffed. Sometimes it goes a little bit too far, but there is absolutely progress.
    Tweek516 and Xirone like this.
  12. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    A number of the planned IS nerfs requires more coding, such as Brews. Last patch a number of IS things did get nerfed already, including Storm Field and Terraformer (yes, I know you think it should be nerfed more).

    Note that indirect damage is slated for some adjustments down the line in general, so I am going to leave Terraformer for now.

    Keep in mind this patch was mostly an ability costing and non-champion rune patch (the big patch was with the mid-term launch itself).
  13. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, I agree that things are getting better. There are always going to be changes we don't agree with but there are plenty that we do agree with. For me, at least, the latter is more common than the former so it is a net positive.
    Tweek516, R334P3R and doubtofbuddha like this.
  14. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    Well there is always counter-deploying shielding relics.

    And honestly, I am glad that there is a counter to expensive relics, particularly ones that are as dominating and hard to get to as Fulcrum. If you have it at 25 hit points you basically have to sacrifice a champ to destroy it in a stand-off situation.
  15. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Have you not been following this game? I have been making incremental changes to non-champion runes recently. I am continuing to do so. Go back and look at some patches and see see staples being nerfed (like Font Eruption a few patches ago, and Superiority, Witching Hour, etc., this patch).

    If you are going to criticize, at least do it with the correct information.

    Now, if you think some good staples that need nerfs haven't been hit, that's certainly valid. But remember that at the end of the day I have to make the determination and you and I will ALWAYS make different choices :)

    I buffed it, it should be much more useful instead of considered sandbag now. I might be wrong, of course, but I gave my argument above.

    Escapes again? They got nerfed a bunch just with the mid-terms. And there are code change coming for them as you can see in the Crate.

    Heck, look at the patches, IS gets nerfed a ton. It is probably the most nerfed faction since I came back.

    Here is the stuff that was nerfed just 8 days ago with the mid-terms in IS:
    • Barbarian Commander
    • Terraformer
    • Siege Engine
    • Brewmaster
    • Wild Chieftain
    • Jangar Arcanis
    • Bastion
    • Griffin Perch
    • Forge Hammer
    Now, you may not agree with how they were nerfed, and you may think other stuff also needs nerfs, etc, and that's certainly fine - that's always going to be the case - we won't make the same choice, but it's not as though I am ignoring stuff in IS as you claim.

    As if you haven't been saying stuff like this at various points since I've come back.

    This patch was also relatively small (we had the big one with mid-terms, this was just left over stuff that didn't make it in), so I am sort of unsure as to why THIS is the one that "ruined Pox" when most of this stuff is pretty minor.

    I'd actually be very interested in you going thru all the major patches in 2015 and letting me know what you liked or didn't like. Because I feel like you tend to focus on a couple specific changes you don't like in patches and ignore/forget the rest. But if you actually looked at the collective changes over the past year, I think you will actually like the direction the game is going. For example, Ice Storm being nerfed here didn't come out of nowhere, it's part of the continuing review of non-champion runes, and many other staple spells have been nerfed (despite your claim to the contrary). And then there's the Channeled Violence thing, which was nerfed in part to your feedback months ago, but you didn't seem to have noticed until I nerfed it a second time, and now you claim I didn't care at all - which is just patently false.

    So I don't know why you say things that, from my perspective, are just plain wrong. But it makes it hard to evaluate your feedback when you don't give a lot of it, and then when you do, the assumptions seem incorrect or lack specifics.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
    Thbigchief likes this.
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Yea, because preventing people from casting Mobilization, dropping a Slipstream Fulcrum, triggering Warcry, triggering Expliots, dropping a Polar Ant in your face to swarm 2 champs, etc. near your champs is terrible...

    You are right though, let me just move my Warcry champ away 9 spaces away so I can attack and... wait, that doesn't work.
    Thbigchief likes this.
  17. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Wow Witches got hit hard this patch! All necessary nerfs though, I mean opponents must have thought it was complete bs that I was hitting them for 17 damage from range 4-6 with a 65 nora unit!
  18. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Again, you really need to actually pay attention to the game if you are going to complain about it. Half the stuff you say sounds like nonsensical rants at this point.

    Channeled Violence was given +5 nora... 10 months ago on March 16th, 2015, not long after you talked about it, in fact.

    I decided to give it another +5 nora now.

    So when you go and say I ignored it while you complained about it a year ago... that's just silly.

    Of course, you simultaneously complain about players having too much influence while also complain that you don't get listened to, as usual.

    Again, criticism is fine... but at least do it without just making stuff up and assuming things.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2016
    Thbigchief likes this.
  19. Vorian

    Vorian I need me some PIE!

    Dude you do have a big impact on this games balance... I for 1 am quitting the nerf side of the forums...
  20. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Future patches will focus on:
    • RNG champs adjustments
      • Most likely most will see nora increase of around 4 (or stat adjustments equivalent to 4 nora reduction)
      • I'll start with champs with 5+ range and work down
    • Indirect damage ability adjustments
      • Most likely to be just cost adjustments
      • But may also involve some number tweaks on the damage values
    • Passive champ adjustments
      • Starting with non-support champs, giving them attacks so their cost is more reflective of their damage potential
      • Support champs to be reviewed later
    • DOTs
      • DOTs will be limited to Rank 1 on champions with 4+ range
      • DOTs will have secondary effects removed
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
    Tweek516, Woffleet, Qucas and 3 others like this.

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