Discussion: Patch Notes September 9th, 2015

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Senshu, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    I hadnt noticed myself, but i play pretty casually and often dont keep track of a lot of things in game so it could easily go unnoticed by me, my brain is lazy. I guess its a good thing if it was costing nora and not even being applied some times. Shame it couldnt be fixed though rather than being removed. I quite liked the debuff, its unique.
  2. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    I actually kind of like him as a 5-6 range unit. Poison does not have a ton of range. I think I would probably change one of the UP 1 options to Poison Cone 3 though. Drop Immunity to Electricity. Put Plant Regeneration 2 on base. Do something different with UP 1 but include poison cone. That would put him at a better spot, I think.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    5-6 Range, 10 Damage, 6 Speed, Ponderous, Physical, no Poison DoT or attack? That isn't what poison needs. That isn't what ANYONE needs.
  4. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

  5. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Way to miss the point, I guess.
  6. avichaif

    avichaif Devotee of the Blood Owl

    i see u read what i wrote
    Goblin Brute
    • Default Cost to 72
    • Classes: BRUTE
    • Default Cost to 65
    • Starting Abilities: Flight, Attack: Fire, Mischief
    • Upgrade Set 1: Mobility, Curse 1, Shadowspawn (default)
    • Upgrade Set 1: Dodge 1 (default), Dodge 2, Deflect: Fire
    but pls fix this:
    Deep Elf Summoner
    • Default Cost to 84 take her back to ~70+ nora
  7. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Magearms dude!
    Qucas, Tweek516 and Netherzen like this.
  8. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    stitchlings d00d
  9. fattyy2k

    fattyy2k I need me some PIE!

    Will it be coming back :,( like maybe with some code reworking? It was amazing and really helped make sand viable.
  10. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    But really ... FS kinda never gets new toys in the patches ... At best Salaman, but that was related to the expansion ... Wow, Poison got rekt too ... Moog got nerfed a bit ... Dunno if dysproportionally ...

    What happened with the Risen Grenadier? It appears to have gotten cheaper, which would be an appropriate and good thing. Maybe it didn't, though.

    Did Bokor get cheaper? That would be appropriate aswell. Although I'm not sure even that saves him from being crap

    Revolting Fentek got ruined, too? Well, goodbye, poison, was nice to have known you.

    Twisted Emeerald ... Uh ... What does Twisted Essence actually do?
    doubtofbuddha likes this.
  11. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Twisted Essence is on the Hyaenid Houngan, but basically it means the things the things the unit attacks, will cause subsequent attacks to heal the attacker.

  12. Beasts for life

    Beasts for life I need me some PIE!

    @Sokolov Lonx defender did not get a -5 Nora discount due to having secure fonts and is not listed on ST list of changes.
  13. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Torien was buffed, not nerfed.
    Draksar Archer was slightly buffed too. You can run him at 67 nora with his cheapest build. For a lot of range. At that cost, it is arguably worth it to slap a Rage Band on it, because it can stay far back, covered by your very meaty frontline Draksar (which are getting increasingly more AP drain and CC).
  14. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Poison isn't batshit broken anymore. You might need to think about amping poison damage instead of mindlessly spamming poison traps and dropping auto win choking aura champs with 50+ hps and 6 range vulnerability auras. Foul Mushroom is still available.
  15. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    And it is now single target and immobile only. Cheers for baby steps, I guess, if nuking from orbit is baby steps.
  16. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Yay for Barbarian Exemplar buff.
    Sirius likes this.
  17. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Choking aura was never meant to be mobile otherwise it would have been put on a champion about the same time as Foul Mushroom was created. It is spot vulnerability. Spot vulnerability is insanely powerful and should not be taken lightly. Spot vulnerability like choking aura is something that should be used for powerturns not splashed onto champs so they can carry it around the whole game enabling ez wins. When they introduced it on champs I did a double take and thought "this is so broken". No other faction had that. I knew this day would come and I welcome the changes they were needed.
    Tweek516, Sirius and Sokolov like this.
  18. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    ... Were they. Let's see how much poison we will see in the near future.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    If the only reason Poison was worth running is mobile Vuln - Poison, it probably wasn't the best thing for the theme anyway.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  20. doubtofbuddha

    doubtofbuddha I need me some PIE!

    We already weren't seeing much poison, tbh.
  21. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Well, I'd sign that, and more interesting mechanics would be nicer. Like, uh, maybe a Mireoak buff? :3 How do you like my redesign idea, anyway. I imagine it as more or less of a really slow turret-y thing that hits hard and spits out those fireflies now and then, but doesn't move a lot and isn't terribly flexible.

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