disengaged or wheteaver how spelling ;p

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Luvadata, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Luvadata

    Luvadata Member

    Cannot disengaged a champion when it is stun. example ferren stun this champ with ferren focus and later i try to disengaged and cannot :(

    En español no puedo moverme mi campeon despues de que le haya hecho stun con ferren focus. solo dice cannot disengaged.

    Fix please
  2. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Part of it may be on which turn it was engaged.

    If the stun ended on the beginning of your turn, then it would become engaged on your turn, and can't disengage that turn.

    You spelled "disengaged" correctly. :)
    Luvadata likes this.
  3. Luvadata

    Luvadata Member

    In my turn proced with my ferren focus freeze - awestruck - stun. now i want to disengaged my ferren dancer and i cannot. can you understand me? :(
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I think I understand what you mean:

    You have a ferren dancer engaged to a champion, and you stunned that champion to disengage your dancer but that didn't work, even when stunned reads "... and cannot engage"

  5. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    I tested your hypothesis and it isn't the case. The stun from Ferren Focus does properly disengage the affected unit. Also, the stun has to be coming from something other than the Ferren Dancer given its only attack has a min range that is outside the engagement range. Unfortunately, there isn't enough information here to reproduce the results.
    Luvadata likes this.
  6. Luvadata

    Luvadata Member

    Try this, The Champion was JeK with blessing of queen "majestic" is his turn engaged my dancer in my turn i proced stun his with 3 hit Jek once stun i try to move my dancer and i cannot move.
  7. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Do you mean Jek the Silver General and Favor of the Queen? Was it the dancer who stunned Jek or was it another champion and if so which?
  8. Luvadata

    Luvadata Member

    yes silver general and yes favor of the queen, a ferren master stuned jek with ferren focus 2 atack of another ferren dancer and 2 ferren master.
  9. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    No luck. I had Jek the Silver General next to a Ferren Master and Ferren Dancer. I cast Favor of the Queen on Jek the Silver General and then attacked him twice with Ferren Master. As soon as Jet was stunned by the second attack the Ferren Dancer was disengaged. Is there something else to this? Have you or anyone else had this happen again?
  10. Luvadata

    Luvadata Member

    tought only me, same happen when my yeti druid get stuneed and cleaseing aure clear stun then i cannot disengaged,
  11. IceNorth

    IceNorth Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Senshu could it be something like lag or client side package loss? Not sure if server or client calculates those things, and how they interact.

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