Domination will most likely end up getting changed at some point.

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by BansheeX, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    And like UT it is also a subject in General.
    Si I tried to work something out that would retain it as a useful spell and not delegate it to the shoebox.

    Target Champion gains 3 AP. For 3 turns target champion becomes Possessed and gains: Stationary, Liability, Defiled and Font ignorance.

    It would fit the flavour of the spell:
    "Once a mind is forced to see that we are the end it becomes much more willing to aid us.
    The Liability and stationary means it will help FW and hinder the opponent. Stationary prevent cliffdiving. Font ignorance means it wont be an instant win to take over a font from spellrange.

    Unsure what the cost of it should be. Does 45-50 sounds right?
  2. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Does Liability apply to the owner of the champ or the controller? If it applies to the owner, that would work.

    Alternatively, I would like to see it similar to knockback, the champ can spend remaining AP to prevent itself from walking off the cliff. If you get to the edge with more than 1 AP, you can still jump, otherwise it stops itself. I would also make it so dominated units couldn't gain AP.
  3. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I don't like the idea of Stationary, the spell just becomes a carbon copy of Enslave.

    Just make it unable to step onto cliff tiles, period, flying or otherwise. Maybe lava and stuff as well.

    Call it "Survival Instinct" or something.
  4. jesterman7

    jesterman7 The King of Potatoes

    Boo stationary.
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I think that this change will only work to set up kills protectorate-style, just that uncleansable (time slip as a disable is also uncleansable)(nevermind, I misread the duration) I think that granting lumbering will reduce the powerlevel of domination enough but still keep his usual utility.
  6. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    I don't like this suggestion at all. I think it should just give flying and reduce the nora cost a bit.
  7. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    This sounds like making it a FW flavored Hammer Strike.
    Perhaps: target champion takes 10 magic damage. If the target takes damage, that champion becomes possessed 2 and immobile. Cost it at 40.

    I'm a little hesitant at applying font ignorance as this basically guts all 1on1 font battles.
  8. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Without the Fontignorance, you would be able to cast it on an enemy champ in a font and take over teh font like that. With Font ignorance you would at least have to be in the font to take it over.
    It would sort of be like Blink, but the enemy would be guarantied his champion back faster and without having to destroy a relic first.
  9. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    id rather see cliff diving removed than have all possession stuff require stationary.
    singinsammy likes this.
  10. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Agreed. Again, making Domination another version of Enslave isn't high on my desires. If we removed cliff diving from any "Possessed" effect, the effect could be improved overall.
  11. voodoochile

    voodoochile The King of Potatoes

    What about making it cost 75 nora like drown? The problem here is that 50 nora easy cliff driving is unfair... Even FR is more expensive.
  12. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    that's balancing it around cliff diving.

    That's not the intended point of the spell.
  13. Mercer Skye

    Mercer Skye I need me some PIE!

    I'm fond of 50n;

    Target unit loses all AP and takes 3 damage for each AP lost. It gains three ranks of exertion and becomes Dominated (New Mechanic, only Hero ability can prevent). Dominated unit is considered possessed, if this unit dies while dominated, the nearest unit to the spell's owner takes 30 psychic damage. If no valid target exists, this damage is applied to the spell owner's shrine.

    I think that looks clean. So, now It's not such a 'free range' instagib spell.
  14. HardyGames32

    HardyGames32 I need me some PIE!

    I think that's more op than before. It gets a +3 AP with exert, and you can block the damage with relics/summons/illusions.
  15. voodoochile

    voodoochile The King of Potatoes

    And it's too complicated for my taste... Cliff driving is kinda cool, but at the correct cost.
  16. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Do you guys know that there is an abillity called "Chasm Walker"? Look it up.
  17. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Yes we do.
  18. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    Seems to me that the obvious solution is to have it give chasm walker. Barring that you could make it so if the champ dies during the duration then the owner (not controller) of the champion is refunded say 50% of that champ's nora cost. That way you could still use it as an instagib but it is no longer so ridiculously nora efficient.
  19. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    No, no instakill mechanic. Chasm walker for two turns, maybe make it give 5-6ap, so it's only useable for powerturning.
  20. Mercer Skye

    Mercer Skye I need me some PIE!

    And on the other adamantly opposed side of the argument, a lot of us are not fond in any shape or form of attaching a very non-flavorful clause to the spell.

    And to clarify. The idea I posted wasn't gaining exertion on top of the AP. It was just gaining exertion after an AP dump.

    And to defend my idea....I don't see how it's too convoluted (Though admittedly, it is my idea, so I'm biased). But it's simply -> Dump AP and cause damge. Give Exertion 3 and possessed. Attach a clause that blows something of the caster's up if you use the spell to kill the unit.

    I just don't see how that's more OP, you ONLY get 3ap out of the deal, on top of doing damage to the unit (Which you don't want to do now), and if anything, I would actually allow the domination to persist a round or two longer, so that your opponent can roflboom it themselves, and force one of your champs or your shrine itself to eat 30 psychic damage....of which you paid 50n for.

    ---This bit is more just a general statement---

    Seriously. I have no idea what else I can suggest in an effort to not turn Domination into an uninspiring bit of garbage (much akin to Enslave). This literally turns it into one of the biggest 50n gambles you can make in this game.

    You gain an opposing champ, of whom you've likely already done some damage to, do more damage, and can only gen AP the the turn you take control of it doing even more damage, with a clause that says 'careful now, you don't actually want to kill this, because something you probably want to keep around is getting our shrine.'

    I mean, I just don't get it. My idea may not even be that outstanding, but just about every single flippin' time someone comes up with something that would remain flavorful, be interesting, and severely curb how much of a tempo swing Domination can be, there's this numb, and frankly stupid auto reaction of just 'Nope, that sucks. just put chasm walker on it. Or flying, yeah, flying for the turn it's dominated'

    Flying for the that you might be able to walk something else off the cliff to collect the globe at the start of your turn.

    Actually, you know what, yeah, give it flying for the turn that the spell is in effect. I would much rather have the added mobility, the AP that was stored on it, and the extra satisfaction of it dangling over a cliff waiting for the precipitous drop when my opponent's turn starts.

    *Huff* *huff* */tableflip*

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