Dread Defense

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Staxover, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    Okay, so many do not like my posts over Mena, and that is okay. But I need real help in two ways, for those who are still willing to offer guidance: first in trying to defeat Dread / AP Lock decks and second in knowling why KF gets defeated so quickly.

    For the first point, I run a Mena-centered, elf deck. Dread / AP Lock decks shuts down my deck, and just about every deck I see, with ease. Here is what I am currently running.


    The point to this is to use Soulstrike, Cleansing Emerald, Time Slips, and Shimmering Flower to slow down and beat on dread champs. Then, use Throne of the Circle to finish if needed. I am trying to stay away from AOE spells, but I have 2 Thorns and 2 Nature's Wrath. What else can I do?

    For the second point, I love KF, but I see that KF is usually beaten. My evidence is the recent activity I saw. In Drums of War, we were near last in games won. I watched 10 games with players from various ranks, Limited to Uncommon. I saw the finish for 9 games. 7 of 9 ended in KF defeat, and it usually was the case that a lower rank beat a higher rank. Why? It seemed that the decks the winners were using were mostly FW, a few UD and ST. What is the reason? The KF players were not bad. I can only assume that KF is weaker is some capacity. Anyone have some insight?
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    -You might consider Arrowsingers. They have an ability called Horn of K'thir that lets your melee champs do +4 DMG for the turn. In addition, if you are trying to counter Dread decks, and the opponent is playing Unholy Tomb, the Arrowsingers are going to have nutty damage.

    -Condor Furies may be better than Colossal Boas for their higher damage (and are much faster).

    -I doubt you'll really need x2 Horn of Order. They can be great at the right time but remember that you can almost deploy another champ for its cost. x1 Horn of Order should be fine.

    -For Dread decks, you'll need to rush them before they can build up. Alternatively, on large maps, try to spread the fight out so the Dread doesn't stack. With that said, KF is a mean target for Dread decks once things are set up because KF's already low damage makes Dread quite effective.
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Also, after the revamp, champs should have fewer abilities so some of those Dread champs won't be nearly as hard to take down, hopefully. Conversely, we'll have fewer abilities to deal with it. =)
  4. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    Seems like sound advice, I'd try and keep one Boa though and add one Condor as while Condor is much faster and deals higher damage Boa is an amazing tank especially against decks without many large champs. If you don't mind adding a non elf you could also try adding a Woodland Jester as they are dirt cheap, have bastion of mobility, and also resonance adding nice dmg when facing tombs.
  5. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    I would like Condors and Arrowsingers, but I can not get them. Are there alternatives? I will consider the Horn of Order though. What would you put in its place? Thanks for the thoughts on spreading out the fight. I hadn't thought about that.
  6. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    If you are running the Colossal Boa, in and Elf BG, you really should be running Epochal Oasis. You can get that fatty right where you want him with that relic.
  7. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Luckily, other factions with higher damage don't have such hard times with Dread decks and so they aren't super popular right now.
  8. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    as reddain has said in other threads, centaur regulator is great against ap lock decks.

    if you cannot afford arrow singer, you can use the reliable woodland jester for a cheap access to resonance.
  9. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Dread: Dread decks are stronger when they clump together, which allows them to stack the dread debuff, and weaker when they spread out. They are also stronger with more dread champs out. So you want to spread them out by fighting on multiple front (usually by contesting multiple fonts), rush them (so they can't build up as many auras), and if you can't really do either (like a mid font focused map that encourages stacking) then look for an opportunity to capitalize on their stacking with a double TC power turn. Lead with spells before doing champion damage since you might kill a dread champ which will increase your champ damage. Finally, you'll want to focus down the dread champ that is closest to your champs, which will minimize the number of dread debuffs on your ranged at any given time. Kill the first one, then move to the next one. Menelaus is pretty good--very long range, high base damage.

    AP Denial: Prioritize deploying as many champs as possible; pet champs are great; prioritize ranged champions. Between higher base AP gen, higher AP cap, and lots of ranged champions, KF has a bit of an easier time against AP denial decks. Focus fire the AP lock champions... i.e. rover, wretched witch, etc.
  10. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Against dread decks, you'll want to include spell spam (2x thorn collection, 2x nature's wrath, 1-2x brambles/stellar horizon) and long range champions, preferably mobile you already have menalaus, I would add 2x elven mages, as they are long range hard hitters with exellent mobility.
  11. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    What about FW/SL split with Antimagic Field? How does spell spam work on that?
  12. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    are you really facing that? you can run a fairy trickster to stop the chain.
    And, mena, 2 mages with taskmasters and bards (for support) should suffice.
  13. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    All in all ktir doesnt do enough damage without the aoe spells especially when we face dread decks or super tanky champs. Withering fern and magic novas are also good to get some extra damage in and avoiding defences.

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