Drums of War - Can this be more involved?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fikule, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Currently it seems quite hard to be involved in the Drums of War.

    The website states that only the top 5 for each faction get anything for this. That's a massive "why even care" right there. It's not even the case though, so sort of annoying that it says it.

    I feel like this could be a major part of the multiplayer experience if it was re-designed to be more noticeable, interactive, rewarding, interesting and scaling based on the active playerbase.

    Ideas anyone?
  2. crisian

    crisian Member

    i busted my ass one time and came in second in my faction thinking i would win something cool...didn't win crap. apparently only the top player gets something for the achievement, the other 4 don't get squat.
  3. Karmavore


    I addresses this issue in the last forums but hey. I'll do it again here, drums of war shouldn't be soley focused on getting #1.

    #1 50k gold + 1500 shards + random le within respective faction
    #2 25k gold + 1000 shards
    #3 15k gold + 500 shards
    #4 10k gold +250 shards
    #5 5k gold + 100 shards

    Now with that being said, I wanted DoW to be more intuitive and more game related, there are "faction rivals" sp/fs
    I wanted games vs rival factions to actually matter, maybe giving a bigger boost to gold/faction points.

    There is a lot of potential with this DoW system. Just some brainstorming what do you guys think?
    Shuyash likes this.
  4. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    The downside of this is

    1) It is still only 5 people per faction who even need to bother looking at Drums of War. Drums of war takes up a lot of the game's interface in the launch pad. It should do something more for each person participating.

    2) If certain match ups granted more gold or faction points, any other match up would be considered wasteful of the player's time. (especially when concerning gold)
  5. Shuyash

    Shuyash The King of Potatoes

    I agree DoW needs to be reworked. Maybe add some small additional rewards for getting certain amount of point, like 100 gold for getting 50 points, 500 gold for getting 500 points, a random core set rare for getting 1k points, an iconic exo from that faction (rotating every DoW) for 2k points... you get the idea (those rewards are for demonstration only, if this takes there'll need to be more reward tiers imo).

    These rewards will be handed instantly, and so it'll give players incentive to get DoW points during the entire period even if they are not at the top of the table, and if they are available several times per DoW (from each faction, and not only from the first faction you achieve the target with) it can be an incentive to play several factions on a regular basis. But the best thing about those rewards is that everyone can get them in theory.
  6. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Some nice ideas. Would be great for them to somehow visual show progress to certain rewards too.

    But there is also DoW itself. As in, getting people interested in the actual conflict.

    Things like:
    When a faction wins, they advance deeper into enemy territory. This could affect the available ranked maps.
    Imagine DoW has a Map of Pox.
    Whoever won the last DoW is the one advancing. They generally advance towards whichever faction lost by the most.
    This means that as DoW progresses, ranked maps resemble the current attack.

    The game could also record the progress of the game over many DoW battles.
    DoW could last shorter periods to ensure quicker map rotations.
    A shorter duration would mean each game has more impact on the current conflict.
    Make the duration based on time. This means we can see a countdown for the conflict with points filling up in each faction bar (and the main bar) to show who's winning.

    Winning or losing could also award non-gold or rune based things. But I can't think of what. Something DoW relevant tho.
  7. Shuyash

    Shuyash The King of Potatoes

    That would be pretty cool as a new game mode besides ranked.
  8. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    But DoW is based on ranked. Having a larger array of ranked maps would be good. Basing it on DoW would be thematic.

    The only reason to not have this in ranked would be unbalanced maps. And unbalanced maps have nothing to do with DoW itself.
    Shuyash likes this.
  9. Karmavore


    Yeah have lesser rewards but if you want to get people into this maybe a top 10 bracket would be a better solution but, it's a competition based game, if you want the rewards work your ass off to do so. If you're casual there can be rewards for participating but of a lesser value. I personally believe that it should be the player that drives Dow not the other way around, if you want to succeed and be known in your faction, then do your part and heed the call.

    Not saying people that are casual shouldn't also be rewarded in some way.
  10. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I think Shuyash suggested the sort of system you might enjoy. The more points you earn, the better the rewards. This also has the advantage of not requiring a top 10 list as a larger amount of players would continually see a top 10 as less and less attainable, and the system needs to have value at all levels, just less if you do less, ofc.
    Karmavore likes this.
  11. Karmavore


    I can appreciate this! This works better and isn't as mean I suppose, maybe I'm just an *******. :)
  12. Shuyash

    Shuyash The King of Potatoes

    Actually I meant for those rewards to exist alongside the rank rewards, maybe I exaggerated a bit with the examples :)

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