Elven Prodigy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Djangoguy, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    The main reason of this thread was pointing how big is the nora modifier from Elven Prodigy, I know this won't get changed (higher forces from KF say no to nerfs), in any moment I said how OP Prodigy is (I second with this by the way, nora/efficiency=OPness), saying ways to counter blindfire/elusive don't get her nora cost higher.

    And, as said, her minimal range is 3, so I got 5 spaces (most ranged units stands on this part) from getting hit for free.

    As I play exclusively FW, it is sad that I NEED TO RUN Mind Shackle (or other worst sources of CC) to counter this kind of champion.
  2. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    You don't need to run any kind of counter for her. You can literally just walk up to her and smash her in the face. People were just pointing out that she is already countered by many of the things already being widely utilized in other BGs. Even if you can't get to her, FW can counter her through things like aoes attacks (Afflicted corpse, things with disease breath, etc.). For reference, dead fairy, which is likely the rune who suffers most when prodigy comes out (In FW anyways) has a max range of 6. That means that in order for prodigy to blind fire the fairy at the fairy's max range, she can only be two spaces away from the champion being attacked. This makes it easier to use aoe abilities and spells on the person using the prodigy as they will bunch up in order to protect with blindfire and also means that the prodigy will be close to the front line where you can easily one round her 38 health.
    Cinder405 likes this.
  3. Raxar

    Raxar I need me some PIE!

    It's like you missed the entire point of what I was saying. I'm fine with using readily available counters to stop her and/or exploit her weak defenses, but using these things on a champion that is undercotsted weakens my grip on the game. It's like using a FR on a draksar marine, it's not worth it. In the same sense, being forced to use a spell on an undercosted rune puts me in a similar position And anyway, if she is so underused why are you so opposed to getting her nora cost right? I still don't buy the argument that you can walk up to her and wail on her vs any KF player with a brain, but that might just be me.
  4. Raxar

    Raxar I need me some PIE!

    haha yeah I've done the same thing
  5. scrampy

    scrampy I need me some PIE!

    Once again, no one is forcing you to use something like FR to counter her, it is more of a last resort. If your deck is centered around range and you do not have the board presence to engage and kill her low hp pool then you take the tempo hit and use the hard counter. The thing is she gets hard countered by things much cheaper than FR like righteous deflection and afflict.

    The reason I have a huge issue with nerfing the prodigy is that she is already underused at her current cost, but still viable. If her noracost goes up she will be shoeboxed. As I said earlier, she is a uniquely interesting rune and I feel as if she is being target simply for doing something different than all the other champs. It is nerfs like these to runes that are not overpowered but are unique that will limit rune diversity and bring pox closer and closer to being a chess carbon copy. Something that sounds god awful to me.
    Djangoguy likes this.
  6. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    I miss before-revamp era
    claydude5 and Pedeguerra like this.
  7. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

  8. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    hfok, ChiaoLung, claydude5 and 3 others like this.
  9. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    She cost more pre revamp but was equipable and was autoinclude along with oak seed.

    Basically her actual max range is the range of rain of arrows and she can only use it every few rounds. So her massive range is only worth a fraction of what it would cost normally.
  10. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    MFW you don't realize the OPness that is Three Wishes + Elven Prodidgy
  11. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    A rune shouldn't get nerfed in full faction BGs due to split faction shenanigans. How to avoid doing this, I'm not sure yet.
  12. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I suppose we could get rid of split factions? This would close up a lot of combos though and design space, but at the same time would allow the devs a lot more space to develop runes in factions without having to worry about split shenanigans.
  13. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Elven Prodigy nerf? Wtf is wrong with some of this community. Nerf this nerf that and now this. If you literally engage her she should die in the next 2 to 4 turns.

    "But what if they cast protection on it!?"

    Then you sir now use that to your advantagebecause protection is expensive and a great tempo hit" if you cant do that then I will pray for you...
  14. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    I said nothing about nerfs on the OP, I was just pointing why she have such great discount.
  15. heroics

    heroics New Member

    Her discount is manually applied and is therefore only applied to her. Removing or lessening the discount is a direct nerf to her. I understand the concept of being upset that a champion is receiving such a large discount that goes against the formula but the real question is if the prodigy is made too strong because of it. I believe the answer to that is no and that the discount should go untouched because she is balanced even with the discount.
  16. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    The funny thing is that @DMrBadguy only posted the OP and disappeared, like a zoo keeper throwing one banana to rabid monkeys.
    Netherzen likes this.
  17. heroex7777

    heroex7777 Lord of ST

    clearly you're all off topic here. We need to buff aspect of infinity.
  18. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    Bah, you're all guys.
  19. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Djangoguy likes this.
  20. geekneeusking

    geekneeusking New Member

    Ranger KF deck too strong.
    this ******* just beat me when i had 4 arrow eaters on the field while he was playing mostly rangers,
    So he beat me with artilery markers, experimental warspirit, colossol boa + 3x catharsis bloom, that elf with the whip.

    Nerf the Firk out of KF.
    Just hack and slash plz.

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