Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Gnomes, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty


    This deck is sick, armourer and battlematron highly underated, within one turn of placing armourer you can give a dwarf 4 armour, and a few after that another 7 :D and then you just run him in as cheap meat seeing he is like 56 nora, battle matron gets your talgar or cardinals up to 25 dmg really fast, and holy mace and medal of honor for all those FW UD bgs that are going around. talgar with platemail has 2 armour, tough 2 scale armour and whatever the armour gives him... ya, then tons of ways to cleanse with hollowed ground (3 of em) (3Cleanses) and ya, these guys get scary fast.
    Woffleet likes this.
  2. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty


    Very slightly refined version and rundown:
    going from left to right

    Armourer: Very strong support unit, costs 51 nora and gives defender, train defence and enhance armour, so you deploy him, then next turn you deploy one + of your super champs and then put both abbilities on your super champ giving them immediate +4 armour. he is slightly weak to range but you should definitely not feel bad about losing him. if the enemy is throwing ap at a 4 armour,51 nora 46 hp champ then you're doing fine. i usually give my super champ at least 3 armour befor i run him in, that's why i say he has 4 armour.

    Attendant Squire: Also a strong deploy, although inexperianced can fk you up a bit somtimes. i like him though, he is 64 nora but can be played both as a support tank or more in the front lines(like his flavour text states ^_^) get royal blood on him 100% in this bg, so he can get multi and 2 dmg or defender and 2 armour. also invigorate + attendant is really nice for your heavy hitters to get in fast. ive done 56 dmg on a xulos once with a pumped up euan with this and holy mace :D

    Battle Matron: You might think my superchamps are the MVP's of this bg, but no its battle matron, without this girl the whole bg would not work. She has heal champ 3, !inspire! cleanse and surge dwarf. She is bread and butter, she gives my superchamps the dmg they need to get Bane Shift done, and with surge dwarf she can always keep inspiring as long as you deploy. she also has cleanse, which is great when the enemy tries to stop your super champ with a drain vitality or devolve for example. anyway learn to love this girl, with the 60 hp(with banner) for 58 nora, you can run her in if you need a meat shield as well but i do not recommend it because cleanse and heal are still really strong even if she has given all her dmg away from inspire.

    Carrier Squire: I run detection, and grant action potion on this guy, he is cheap because of weighty but it can get annoying sometimes only to move 4 spaces a turn. (but it does fit his picture Flavour :D) with squire and the other ap gain in this bg, i can give one of my superchamps : Haste, Action Potion, Invigorate. for a whopping 12 ap gain :D ya its nice. i play a lot of equips in this bg, so the Holy Armaments can also be nice. i run my squire with detection because i dont have any other source of it, and i have disarm for spot shatter if i need it. but ya squire is not essential like the others, but definitely not a bad champ to have in the bg.

    Ethereal Priestess: When i first made this bg i did not like her to much, because of her 73 nora cost and bad stats, but then i saw she had haste, and now she is always one of the first champs i want out. she does a few things this bg needs, for one she has haste for my superchamps allowing them to every turn double tap, secondly she has Force Barrier, and this is nice because my bg takes a bit to get the chaps running with inspires/enhance armours. so force barrier allows me to stall for an extra turn which can be really nice. soften is always nice as well for a power turn or for your supports to actually do a bit of dmg to.

    Euan: Here is one of my first Super champ candidates, i have 4.5 in all: Euan , Talgar , 2 Northern cross cardinals and Paladin Commander for the .5. Euan is cheaper than talgar but is still extremely strong. at the moment im playing him with surge enemy, but i might try out battle leader or battlemaster later too. with surge enemy though you get to start with around 4+ dmg (about) from enemy champs. i dont like Prestige on him because 1: He is the one doing dmg, and already has ironwill b/c Hero so half of the ability is wasted on him, and 2: i play 5 or so forms of clease, so if ever my champ does become Charmed, Possessed, distracted, ect ill be able to cleanse em anyhow. so i play block on him, which is nice :D Euans Hammer is a very nice ability if you can knock them back into something because it will do 25 dmg! and then enemy champs are also knocked back! it creates havoc and ignores armour which is great vs other superchamps/SL.
    Now onto a incredibly underrated ability CONSECRATION, just like healing aura this ting needs to be played WAY MORE. this is even better because EVERY SINGLE TURN it heals(for 5) and cleanses your champs. not only that but it also removes pesky terrain changes like lava or impeding snow! so ya learn to love this ability!

    Ironfist Paladin: i play him with cleanse and noble sacrifice, i play him one, because he looks cool and two, because he can be a nice meat shield/tank. he is 65 nora (only) for 3 armour and 51 hp, so if ever you think your enemy is going to rush one of your side fonts, or if you want to rush a side font, you can plop this guy cheaply down to contest. he has lay Hands which can be extremely powerful if your enemy was dumb enough to not kill your champ. Noble sacrifice gives extra 2dmg and 5 hp which is ok, and the dmg taken can easily be healed back with all the heals in the bg so he is a solid champ, but is not needed, mostly for the aesthetics :D

    Northern Cross Cardinal: I play him with Sermon and Consecration. He has long range and is extremely cheap because its 5-6 range and he only has 9 dmg. but he ramps up hella quick. i like to play medal of valor or holy mace on him because he has a easier time getting to champs then say euan/talgar. But playing a , platemail on him is also not bad, makes him a bit tankier and gives 3dmg(funny thought to see a old cardinal wearing heavy ass platemail:D).Mark of Al'mara is nice as well giving extra 2 dmg, i've often calculated to just be 3 dmg short to kill and then have this go off, saving me nora for a spell. consecration i talked about before :D

    Paladin Commander : This is my Semi-Superchamp. with Hold the line he can be quite a formidable enemy, i play heal self and command heal on him but i have not experimented at all. he stalls well because he is innately tanky with hold the line 2 def and defender giving him 6 natural armour. and he heals for 14 every 4 rounds :D i really like command dodge on in my Bok and Nokando bg so i might try that too, but comman heal works so well with consecration. Also i might play impassioned because its so strong (in its self), but then i can't self proc the heal, so i don't know yet.

    Last but not Least Talgar: He is the beast and probably the strongest Ultimate CHAMP. He is 93 nora but has : Tough 2, Hammer throw, multi 1 and regen3. he is bit more self centered then Euan, he does the dmg and tanks it all! while Euan has a bit more utility. with plate mail Talgar has scale armour, lets say 9 armour from armourer, tough 2, and regen 3... ya your not gonna get rid of this guy quickly. also with multi 1 and his nice speed/damage stats he will have 16 dmg with platemail multi 1 and hammer throw. 8 armour is ideal for your ultimate champs because it counters hex, becase hex has to deal dmg for it debuff, but armour prevents that :D

    Blink: There ONLY to counter doom! (FK YOU FW) so if your super champ is about to die from some short lived Bane Shift, you have this to counter. :D

    Shroud of Al'Mara: Gives Revive!!!! clease, first aid, all good to keep your super champs alive: Makes ethereal priestess have 7 abilities :D ALSO SMITE UNHOLY LEL

    Holy Mace: I keep coming against UD And FW. so this is to make them cry. 35+ dmg hammer throw from Talgar.

    @Markoth @Axeraiser @Baskitkase @nepyonisdead @themacca

    how do you guys like my wall of text :D
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2016
  3. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    Superchamps are always fun, have you not had much problems with all the Dispel running around though ?
    Baskitkase likes this.
  4. SomeYY

    SomeYY New Member

    Description doesn't say but Inspire (shows up as conditions: Inspiring for -2 DMG and Inspired for +2 DMG, on respective units) and Enhance Armor (doesn't even show up as a condition) can not be cleansed/dispelled. Sort of make sense to me because it would had been "interesting" to cleanse Weaponsmith (Inspire) and/or Armorer (Enhance Armor) with Relieve on Nefari Griefbearer (for infinite Inspire and Enhance Armor, actually Weaponsmith has Fury which can make his Inspire infinite).
    Axeraiser likes this.
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I ran a very similar bg when armorer was cheaper and had higher defense. Talgar and euan were also better back then. As for battle matron she is fun but and can create some good super champs, however with the amount of spot removal nowadays it makes most super champ bgs useless.

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