Extended set box problem

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by PiPPoInZ9, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. PiPPoInZ9

    PiPPoInZ9 The King of Potatoes

    I just got an Extended Set Box (with gold), which should have consisted of 10 packs. Instead I got 1 or 2 regular packs, and then started getting other packs - they were full of avatars, some low tear exotics, and generally had fewer runes. At some points there was some flavor text instead of runes.

    I got a total of 4 packs, instead of 10, and they were full of things other than runes.

    Is this a bug, or have I missed an announcement that these are the new "boxes"?

    My username is PiPPoInZ.

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