Feeble Attempt On FW/ST

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by 15Deadmen, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  2. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    What about rapid attack/reaper blade combo?
  3. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    I didnt know that was a thing that's possible.... I'll look into it. Thanks
  4. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
  5. CelticxCross1110

    CelticxCross1110 New Member


    Hey so, I whipped up something that may or may not help :p. I think the focus here is going to be using the cheap meat runes that ST offers and combining them with the excellent range options that FW has. So whisperghasts and rip with are great because whisper creates dead magic zones and rip has elsari coven to weaken champs to enter. Arcadon boosts frost damage and has shatter. Ice dragon is a great cheap detection champ and arctic bolt +7 speed isn't bad either. The owl riders are excellent damage dealers and frost cone is a plus with amp. Argol is a good hero, regardless of what people say as his knockback + deflect + 7 sped and frost amp is nice. The amps will help ice storm hit harder in the end game. I know this message is super jumbled lol.

    Frostvein is in there for drudgery, which can really save the day against AP hoarders (NKD and such) and hoarfrost is in there for added chill and frost damage. Turtle is certainly a flex spot, I just really like his utility, and the extra doom could be replaced as well wit another spell if need be.

    2 Cloaks is too much cause you have containment too. two hideouts is also a bit much, but one is certainly useful. The spells I've provided can definitely be moved around. Just know that there isn't a lotta healing in this BG, so you may wanna run a crystal phoenix for Divine favor.
  6. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    Thanks for the suggestion CC. I'll rework this a bit and post it here :3
  7. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes


    this is what i have currently from what runes i can get. I do need shatter and some form of detection, but I'm not really trying to go for frost amp. Im going for the annoying nasty build with shank, assassin, and doom. I'd like to try out rapid atk with reaper's blade, NKD is nice too. I do like some of the spells though, like rebound, and frigid barrier.
  8. CelticxCross1110

    CelticxCross1110 New Member

    I Like the addition of the guard, I think thats nice. Runnin' creeper with the short lived ans shank is fine too. I think two shanks is too many as they are expensive to run. I think ferren assassin is over costed, Check out pantier headhunter, hes a 72 nora champ with shadow shift and assasin. Love the adherents for alt damage plus NKD, I'm honestly not a fan of Khong. Mocking blow is nice, but I think 1 x is enough. 2 gale's is too many for this BG, and your plan seems to be about taking champs out of play, so I think one gale is fine. I'd run maybe soulreave for extra alt damage. Possibly an essence drain. Essence drain + a well placed gale = dead champ lol. pricey, but can be devastating. Desecration and haunt are nice for relic busters. A good source of shatter are rebound if you want or maybe icewisp. She has still life and grant aura to take out perseverance champs. Detection is harder to add in. Yeti scout had shatter and detection for 64 nora, he's worth a look.
  9. OchiK

    OchiK The King of Potatoes

    Many good points here. I agree drop the monk entirely and keep the ahderents, alt damage and distracting will serve you better then physical and sunder. With both you have way to much rapid attack for one repears blade. Also creeper makes an EXCELLENT ninja assassin to put reapers blade on if you need to preserve the magic damage on the adherents.

    I ran a split BG very similar to this. I didn't have polluted martyrs but ran 2x hoarfrost dragons. Basically 2x dead fairies, guards, creepers, rip witches, adherents, owl riders. I think a yeti scout and maybe one other something, it was a little creature heavy. Defiantly one blizzard cloak, containment unit, look at getting the j'thir halbred it's pretty good getting by defensive abilites. The spells are more up to you and what you think no more then one gale force as mentioned previously. Not sure on the dooms try them and see if they fit for you. I like the vampirism + anathema spell combo personally.
  10. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
    OchiK likes this.
  11. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Looks neat. Off the bat, there is a low count of ranged damage, which is partly compensated by several breath attacks. It might be dangerous to run 2x DG without a Tome. It looks like your non-champ support suite is super strong, with a ton of spot tricks and answers, but your current champ lineup seems haphazard. There's some Soul Strike synergy, a couple big bruisers, and then DG/Fairies. This doesn't look like it will have a ton of board presence without careful use of support runes, so learning to play it will depend on knowing how to use your non-champs effectively. Give it a couple run throughs, see how it feels, and figure out what you are struggling with. I'll try to cast a couple of the games.
  12. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    Shank + pheonix anklet? Works with escape magic.
  13. 15Deadmen

    15Deadmen The King of Potatoes

  14. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Looks strong. Soulreave doesn't interact well with Timmy or Dead Fairy, so really think about having that in there, or at least when to use it. It also seems a shame to run ST/FW with Shanks and not make use of the Phoenix Anklet. Test that combo out, at least as a 1x, to see if it fits and if you can make good use of it.
  15. geekneeusking

    geekneeusking New Member

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