Forsaken Champion Discussion & Suggestions

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Fikule, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Initial Thoughts
    Actually seems pretty decent for his cost and can still be run as a powerhouse. Reminds me of when he was a good recipient for the Sacrificial Dagger.

    Afflicted Corpse
    Initial Thoughts
    Love him. Still a cheap tanky unit. The addition of some optional support is even nicer.

    Animated Blade
    Initial Thoughts
    Again, I actually like his direction. A cheap, fast, flying shatter unit with multi-attack. He can range between 60-72 nora depending on how combat ready you want him. Remember, the health is boostable.

    Initial Thoughts
    As a Divine Favor champion in Forsaken Wastes he is like a glass of water to a dying man. However, with DF3 he costs a whopping 72 nora for a pretty bland melee beater. Also, Curse 1/2 as upgrade choices are bad because no one actually uses Curse as an ability anymore and Curse 2 adds nothing significant enough to the ability in a world where curse can last for 10+ turns anyway. He also has the early game ability Expedite, which never meshed well with DF as a mid-game deploy ability.
    Swap out the curse upgrades for something more useful. Or simply improve Curse 2 as an option (damage increase from 50%?). Maybe Enlightened/Premonition as upgrades and swap Expedite for Heal Self 1.

    Initial Thoughts
    Nice unit. Same problem as basically every vampyre. Bleed on upgrades. And what's more, Bleed costing more than Blood Magic. I get the feeling the intention was to have half you BG as bleeders and half as blood magic users.
    I'm just not sure Bleed works as an upgrade. Especially as the ability that most capitalises from it is on the same upgrade path for basically every vampyre.

    Bile Zombie
    Initial Thoughts
    If you ever wanted to do 40 damage and blind any unit that ended their turn within 5 spaces of your font or shrine, this guy and a goresplosion are for you. If you hit two enemies, you have also gone from crazy annoying to crazy efficient ^^
    It might just be Goresplosion. But still, I imagine this is not fun to have to deal with. imo he could just lose the Disease Death Nova and pick up an initiative instead. Still annoying, but at least he isn't insta-gibbing.

    Bladed Corpse
    Initial Thoughts
    I think him and the animated blade are too comparable in roles. Rend & Shatter with damage in mind. Animated Blade has Multi Attack, Corpse has Sunder. So you decide if you want 12 extra hp or 1 extra speed and flying. I think flying just wins out tbh. Also, he costs more in most cases and only 1 less at maximum upgrades.
    I would swap Defile Corpse for Pummel. Then he could be run as more damage than the blade without the mobility and shatter. Pummel is also basic attacks, so it would stack Sunder.

    Initial Thoughts
    Bleed on the same upgrade as Life Siphon isn't ideal. But I have noticed that blood balls are Vampiric Heals, so Greater Vampirism should make them heal for 100% of the damage. A cheaper lifesteal option I suppose. Also MS3 can certainly make him a powerhouse damage dealer and healer and Scythe Whirl offers him good protection from ranged units when engaging.

    Initial Thoughts
    Bloodlust isn't on base.
    Bloodlust isn't on base? But seriously, it's his unique "thing" really.

    Initial Thoughts
    Looks good tbh. Cheap meat with good utility.

    Initial Thoughts
    Better than he was, but I think he builds up too slowly and can't avoid taking splintering damage like he used to as he is no longer range 1-2.
    I would make upgrade 2 a choice between Multiattack 1, Rapid Attack 2 & Pummel 1. They are all 8 nora in cost and serve different purposes. Multi would be to get the most actual attacks in over time. Rapid Attack would allow him to build up with Splintering in one quick burst. Pummel acts as a middle ground, offering 2 attacks but at full damage.
    For upgrade 1's choices I would keep rend 1 as the cheap option, add Combo Attack: Rend as it is quite cheaper and has synergy with this champion pretty specifically. Finally, Logistics: Range as an option that allows him to both gain range and use it to avoid splintering when he has built it up.

    Will do some more when the arsedness takes me.

    Not wanting to talk about champions that are leg/LE or that I don't feel comfortable judging.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  2. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    <reserved> (I am optimistic about my arsedness)
  3. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    added a few more.

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