FS braimstorming thread.

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by GabrielQ, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Well people, I was given the position of FS representative on the player council, so I'll be opening this thread for you to give feedback and ideas.
    Given that we have a time without patches, I have a very good idea of the immediate changes that are needed, so don't bother yourselves writting about things I have read thousand of times, also, I won't anticipate what will be in the patch, that's a rule.
    I love cross theme/faction synergy so if you have cool ideas but they doesn't seem "factional" enough, don't worry.
    Know that the fact that you write something here doesn't mean that I won't propose it word by word if I think that the idea is good.
    Don't expect me to answer to your proposals, I may, but don't expect it.
    Woffleet likes this.
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Glad you got the job, cheers!

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    FS has FS/UD Fire Split theme that is there but not sufficient. Corrupted Overlard, Sixul, Jyx. Any one think we can try to solidify this?
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    for me, that fire split is very interesting, but changes to it will come as secondary to bigger themes, but be sure that runes like fire salaman, tortun grenadier, mortar and risen grendier will have FS/UD in mind when I propose changes to them.
    attio26 likes this.
  5. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    I just used to love dreadeye symbiote. It used to work on ranged attacks too, but that is really strong. In my opinion a nice change would be for it to work like "Mercenary" meaning that you would lose nora at the start of your turn and that the champion wouldn't get destroyed.
  6. attio26

    attio26 Lord of FS

    synergy between salaman has been something the community has been asking for for years, maybe they can be reworked to tie into a fire theme.
    Th FS/UD fire theme is really cool to have it would be great for it to be fleshed out a bit more.
    Anima26 likes this.
  7. Pheezy

    Pheezy The King of Potatoes

    Can you add "lower Firk diplomat's cost" to your list of changes you are planning? This is just a reminder as it has always been overlooked even after being mentioned by various people multiple times.
  8. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    In fact, I have a list of changes I proposed when I wasn't on the council and firk diplomat cost issue it's there.
    Not a matter of overlooking but more about priorities.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Can we get Mobility put on Salaman Dervish's base. Currently it is on one of his upgrade paths. It goes hand and hand with the Whirl of Blades, making the other 2 options on the same upgrade path redundant.
  10. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    Congratulations, Consul GabrielQ! I think we're in good hands here in the Swamp. Also, does this mean your forum account gets Annex as an upgrade?

    Jokes aside, I'd like to ask your thoughts on where the Jellebrium stand as a theme? They seem to have taken a heavy hit during the revamp. @attio26 also brings up a valid topic on the Salaman. Is this something you're interesting in addressing?
    attio26 likes this.
  11. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I posted a lot on salamans as well, but not in this forums I think, but yeah, expect dynamism in whatever I have influence.
    Shell Dorado likes this.
  12. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    Gabriel being council member means the Tortun Master Race will be among us soon. Hooray for the master race.
    Shell Dorado likes this.
  13. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    *Anticipates the new Legendary Blastoise Tortun with dual cannons and water jets*
    Anima26 and Shell Dorado like this.
  14. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    All hail the Shellmaster.
    Skullferno likes this.
  15. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Woffleet, Shell Dorado and Skullferno like this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    The best part of that joke is the likeliness of it happening is very plausable. INB4:Future
  17. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    GabrielQ 2016
  18. Flyingfinn

    Flyingfinn I need me some PIE!

    Firks are the master race.
    IMAGIRL likes this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Anima26 and Flyingfinn like this.
  20. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    Jellebrium Mindbender - he needs vaporize or/and deafening aura. He is Jellebrium enabler and he is big and pink. I'm not sure, whether you would be able to push through both changes, but he needs at least one of those upgrades to be semi-viable in a not-really-viable-theme. I do understand, that these are times of Firk, who returned to their position as the most efficient psykers, but:

    * Commander: Jellebrium returns to base -> to prevent slapping him into meta-builds without sandbagging
    * Path 1: Psychic Aura 1-2-3 - as boring as it is, it's fine
    * Path 2: Vaporize/Psychic Magnetism/Sentinel
    * Deafening Aura base
    * Damage could be lowered to 6 - in the tradition of SGC/Crawmangler

    Snaptooth Crawmangler - the ultimate snaptooth tank needs options for damage. As I see it:

    * Path 1: no changes
    * Path 2: why only 2? Scale Armor/Resilient/Violent: this would enable using him in full faction while losing a bit of his tankiness, and would not increase his efficiency in splits(he's perfect zealotry/havoc touch/mandate carrier).

    Boghopper Mentor

    *Path 2: Foment instead of Invigorate: rather for encouraging people to actually try to see how far they can go with Beasts. This keeps the tradition of FS not having Boost upgrades, and makes him a rune, that maybe/probably will see the play(at least casually or for tests)

    Tide Master

    *Path 2: High Tide instead of Domain: Water even if his cost would be increased. I hate looking at him without water around him. He would be a ranged department for beasts, and water provider. In his current state, he's too boring in what he does.

    Pirahnid Warrior

    * I have an awkward feeling about him. Was he always amphibious?

    Firk Diplomat

    * Marsh Awakening needs to go, he's in the Marsh Gargantua price tag.

    Currently, our faction is in the state, when nobody whines about anything too op. I even dare to say, that we are balanced. What do we need is not nerfing or buffing some runes to the meta status, but working on several runes, that would enable our diversity and viability of other themes.
    attio26 likes this.

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