Fw/Kf Archers?

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Hekau718, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    This is an old idea I had when I realised how powerful Crossbone could get with FW/KF setup.
    With Skeleton boost and Commander: Archer, the Crossbones has: 9 ( 12 with damage upgrade) dmg, 2 def, 51 ( 57 with hp upgrade) hp. + Fire for effect, Frostcall quiver, and Ichors he deals 17 dmg as DoT's.

    All that made me think if a FW/ KF archers split would work out.
    It would probably be semi skeleton, because Bone Elemental is just too good at being a tank. ( also the little Vashal Druid has Foment for the Splintering skeletons. ). With strong tanks and very strong ranged damage, this could potentially work.
    I'd love to hear any thoughts of yours on how to make a bg like this, and maybe someone already has one.
    Or maybe this is just a stupid idea and a bg like this would never be viable at all.
    What do you think?
  2. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    KF skellies in theory have lots of synergies — chained fae, beasts/seal, motivate, TCing your summons, fan faerie to add to your list.
    But in practice you need really good deploys to utilize it all.
    The deck is absolutely viable, but nothing special.
  3. DrNiles

    DrNiles Member

    I've used a deck like this a few times before. The Skeletal Rifleman is also classed as an archer and has obscene range with an Archery Bale around.

    That said, while there's a lot of small synergies in the deck like various archer things and ichor, it suffers from too much variety. The tricks are neat, but there's no big centerpiece that gives it any major game-winning oomph.
  4. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    I've actually tried a BG like this recently. It's a really fun idea on paper, and fun for single player, but once you get into the meta as others have said there just isn't enough there to power you through the efficiency of augurs and all that jazz.
  5. Hekau718

    Hekau718 I need me some PIE!

    Got it, thanks for the feedback!

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