Game of Thrones, Season 6

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ohmin, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    yeah that should have been a wau grander affair.
  2. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    On screen adaptation of books is always lackluster.
    Except for LoTR - it was exactly how I imagined.
  3. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    in my head Elrond didn't look like agent Smith. and the men weren't quite so grungy. and orcs weren't so buff. and the eye of sauron was a metaphor not some big flaming eyeball.
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Pictured below, Ragic's favourite version of LoTR

    or maybe this version?
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  5. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    no its this one

    Geressen likes this.
  6. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Game of thrones has turned into a joke, ***** walking through fire, she's not immune to fire the magic from the dragon eggs are what kept her from burning. She threw down a thing of fire, they all just stared at her and watched ? Nothing makes sense anymore, and damn if someone gets in my personal space and has weapons on them i'm not gonna stand there and wait to be stabbed. Also who decided it was a good idea to have a 80 year old man walk across a rickety old bridge covered in water ? I've seen more kings and lords killed by standing face to face 2 feet away from their enemies than anything. Wear some bloody armor, and if you think it's a trap chances are it is.

    Game of thrones has turned into a shitty porno, and hbo blew it with the whole series this season. I get it, it's all building into one battle but Bane Shift, how many armies is the dragon woman gonna have sitting around with her damn dragons. With all her frigging troops she could have built the damn boats and owned all the world by now. Also how is Ramsey just automatically the king of everyone up north and they all just start bowing.
  7. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    no she is the dragon, the dragon cannot be burned by fire.
    it is her magic that hatched the dragons, not the dragon eggs that kept her safe from fire.

    the bridge wasn't that rickety, it was a rope bridge. also what happened in the books so lern 2 reed.

    wearing armour all the time? dude what?
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    can't believe im saying this

    but the weirdopath has a point
    Astamir and Geressen like this.
  9. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    I googled weirdopath and then I giggled.
  10. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Pah! That's a rendition of The Hobbit, not The Lord of the Rings!

    As the trollish owl said, Danny has always been immune to fire, even before getting the eggs let alone hatching them in her murder-suicide pyre.

    There are several specific mentions of her being completely unfazed by otherwise extremely hot things or else-wise ignoring burning heat (that her brother had often complained about).

    The King, incidentally a decision that said King has probably made thousands of times throughout his life. Besides, it's not like the Iron Islands is well known for it's safety regulations. I mean, we are talking about the nation that literally drowns people on a regular basis just to try and prove how bad-ass they are. And it's not like the King could commission a new bridge off tax money, that would be paying the Gold Price rather than the Iron Price, and prove him to be a pansy to all involved (and money gained from raids goes to more important things, like future raids).

    Er... the White Walkers get to make an army from ALL the (human, I think in the books also giant?) corpses. Every time they win they add even more troops, even when all they do is slaughter helpless children they turn them into deadly combatants. Even if all they do is come across a relatively recent graveyard they get new troops.

    So ideally... all of them?

    And that's not even counting the fact that she'll probably still have to fight the (albeit somewhat reduced) Lannister and possibly Dornish armies, or at least have a large enough force to intimidate them into surrendering.

    And, for that matter, have a large enough military force to be able to patrol and control not only the Seven Kingdoms, but her recently conquered territories, which is Slaver's Bay, the Dothraki territories, and I wouldn't be surprised if she felt like taking Bravos or the Summer Isles and so on along the way. You know. "Because."

    But long story short: you underestimate how large an army she's likely to actually need and want... and rather overestimate the ship building skills of Horselords that hate and fear the ocean and that of Slaves taught only to fight and obey since birth.

    Eh, while less gratuitous, there's more sex (and less death, oddly enough) in the books.

    Personally I'm enjoying the season so far, certainly more than the last one (though that had some really cool moments mind). While there are many things I miss from the books (Young Griff and the implications of his existence and choice of action, Belwas, Dorne being an interesting place with intelligently written characters and intrigue... some other stuff that might still find it's way into the show if they twist things a bit) it's expected that various things would be skipped for budget and time reasons (I for one don't mind skipping most of the Iron Islands setup, though the moot itself should have been a far grander affair IMO.)

    You are of course free to your opinion though.
    Pedeguerra and Geressen like this.
  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Dorne was part of the seven kingdoms by occasional marriage to the targaryens and while they did not participate they lost family in roberts rebellion and later they lost more trying to avenge said family leading to the current situation. they also support female inheritance and ownership.

    They will support Danny.
  12. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Normally I'd expect as much, but with how stupid Dorne has been written in the show...

    I could see the idiots rejecting Danny on the basis of her denying their "revenge" if she kills the Lannisters/Mountain first. Or worse, if she merely subjugates them and lets them live in turn for service against the White Walkers or such (though that's relatively unlikely in the first place).

    Basically, you're right, but I don't put it past the show's writers to come up with some excuse/plot device to undermine such things for the sake of drama and conflict (and for what it's worth the books [and only the books] had already set up a few reasons for Dorne to be less enthused about Danny than they otherwise might have been, so finding an excuse, even if they don't exist in the show yet, to get them against her might cleave it closer to Martin's vision for the story, if that matters to them).
    Geressen likes this.
  13. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    Actually in the books it looks like Dorne will fight against Dany.
  14. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    no in the books they have started invading for a possible diffirent targaryen heir but are also seeking an alliance.
  15. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Politics! Intrigue! Speeches that people probably didn't quite hear over all the shouting and roaring and "holy crap that's a dragon!"ing! Seriously, it's not like Danny has a megaphone or anything. Almost all the people cheering were doing so because the people in front of them were cheering but they totally had no idea why, other than that the dragon that flew over them wasn't currently eating them. Though I guess that's as good a reason to cheer as any.

    Also, still no terrible Dorne! Hurray!
  16. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    we didn't get to see it because the episode was over but the next 30 minutes would have been a giant game of chinese whispers from the front of the horde all the way to the back. the people at the back think they are going to cross a key of salt on wooden goats to kill people in their iron boots and tear down their stone spouses.
  17. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    "We gon fight the faith to da death with our sick army and retake kings landing"
    - Some old ****** with about 20 spearman

    Okay dude
  18. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Woah, woah, hang on there. There were at least 30 spearmen, and a cripple riding a horse.

    Anyway, my biggest critique so far is that it just feels like so much of this is filler, zig-zagged not for the sake of character or plot development so much as to make sure their time is full. I don't mind them taking their time to set up good story lines, I just wish they'd do something more interesting with that time. There are a few moments here and there in most scenes which are good (except with the Sandvipers, sadly), but you could have cut maybe a third of the scenes from each story-line this season and still gotten to the same point.

    Basically, I feel like they are having issues managing their screen-time well. Which is appropriate I guess since Martin is (probably, just my own theory) having trouble managing his page-/book count in terms of tying together and unifying his story within the "7 books" premise he was supposedly originally shooting for.

    If I'm right about that, it's probably a good thing they plan on having shorter seasons eventually.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  19. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    shorter seasons? but autumn only just started after like a 10 year summer!

    also meh, a slow episode I didn't mind. braavosi theater troupe is awesome.
  20. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Probably budget limitations on the special effects, possibly editor/director failure but I feel like that's less likely. Gotta save that money for the wights and Danny riding a Dragon.

    Or the in-story version is that they saw Podric in action, knew they would be no match for him, and fled in silent terror.
    Geressen likes this.

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