getting back in and need some ideas

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Ujelly, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. Ujelly

    Ujelly I need me some PIE!

    I need some feedback from whoever plays competitive fw these days. yob, kes, tea. ANYONE. :)

    Looking for help making these few types

    1. Dread
    2. Attrition with chops. Where's smoking88 :(
    3. Attrition without chops
    4. Some meta bg ideas.

    Also as far as new runes go Bone blade looks very meta. Anyway forums looking very dead and really need to open up discussion on alot of topics for these decks as skelly zombies and worms I've been able figure out relatively easy. Also since my leave of absence are there any really new powerful runes that may have fallen in to notice and any that have fallen out? I noticed that tomb change ect...

    Anyway gang kind of a jumbled thread but thanks guys!
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Dread is a playable deck, but it has incidentally bad matchups against a ton of stuff out there right now, so if you're looking for A-list stuff, I'd start elsewhere. Will have more comments later. Check around in some of the other meta/goodstuff/junk threads, plenty of people have been poking around with that.
  3. Ujelly

    Ujelly I need me some PIE!

    Anyone have any input?
  4. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    attrition still works, especially when it's revolved around serkan. meta could consist of serkan, the new legendary liches, elsari covens accompanied with haunted spirits polluted martyrs broken bones bone traps etc.
  5. Ujelly

    Ujelly I need me some PIE!

    Anyone running chops? I've been having good luck with them and excavator with punish aura
  6. Uruboz

    Uruboz I need me some PIE!

    Hello! welcomeback
    Im running this:

    Blood phoenix: dark favor/hex, use if your enemy deploy a stealth champ and you can Bloodtrack her or enemy have 4+ champs in map
    Cackling witch: defiling aura/deafening aura, all around champ
    Crawling corpse: disease breath 3/punishing aura, backline champ
    Elsari votary: revel in misery/elsari coven, font defender, anti-stealth utility, AOE Map dmg
    Maleficia: heal champion/dark healing, Main dmg dealer, heal utility to avoid chop yourself
    Skeletal excavator: punishing aura/charge, Only deploy if your enemy have a relic on map, Great meat after that
    Stitched dreameater: stealth/psychic jab, annoying ninja champ
    Undead crone: punishing aura/elsari coven, main melee beater
    Wailing banshee: life siphon/vaporize, great for screw your enemy map
    Xulos: dark awakening/dark favor 3, deploy him if your enemy have 3+ champs, great range beater

    Despoil, anti-spell zone, nora recollector, curse apply
    Festering wounds, anti-stealth, anti-healing, AOE Map DoT dmg
    Ark of the elsai, ant-spell zone, font contester, curse apply
    Chopping block, main rune of the deck...
    Elsari vex, +5 health for your champs, font contester
    Skull of decay, healing deficiency, font contester
    Tome of hate, AOE Map dmg, healing for your shire
    Unholy tomb, AOE Map dmg, nora generator

    Other usefeull runes for this deck:

    Stitched anathema, great agains summons, plus he DoTs at range, hes costly tho

    Anathema, counter healing, anti cleanase and adds dmg
    Arcane enervation, use to apply curse, good combo with Pain Curse
    Desecration, use if they drop alot of relics, better use in their shire
    Goresplosion, great combo with Blood phoenix before Rebirth, Weiling banshee after Fascinate or Stitched dreameater in the enemy lines
    Ritual of ashes, great dmg and aoe, use if your enemy have curse in all champs

    Blight ring, safe dmg per turn, good for counter a powerfull champ
    Mind shackle, exelent along with punishing aura
    Bag of filth, great spread trap utility, dmg and anti healing in AOE2

    Scouring jasper, great contesting/in the fray relic
    Tome of hate x2, in some situations you cant trigger two each turn
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
    Alakhami likes this.
  7. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    So what do you need help with? Anything in particular?
  8. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    forget all that other stuff. run super xulos
  9. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I would not recommend dread or damage reduction decks. Low damage factions have alot of passive cleanse and factions without cleanse have high enough damage that dread dose not do much. Additionally there are alot of 12-15 damage champs out there right now.

    I guess i favor attrition fw. I run 2x decay in almost all my fw decks. I just hate seeing how easy it can be for my opponent to heal 24+ hp in one turn. I work hard to grind my opponents down, i do not want them healing in any form.
  10. Ujelly

    Ujelly I need me some PIE!

    Just curious on chops and dread/debuff/fear/curse/equips. Have a problem with things getting to convoluted on the dread debuff one and the chop I really need mine to flow better. Also what are people running for meta or regular attrition these days? Cheap meat/venge?
  11. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I use spirits
  12. Djangoguy

    Djangoguy The King of Potatoes

    Zombies + Relics + Stitches

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