Gnarlwood Conduit

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Xirone, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Gnarlwood Conduit
    Race: Plant, Treefolk | Class: Wizard | Size: Small | Faction: K'thir Forest
    Artwork: An arcane treefolk has numerous mystic banners/streamers hanging from its branches. The treefolk has several notches in its bark. Each notch has a portal associated with it. A young epochal elf is coming out of one of the portals.
    Flavor-Text: Only the Gnarlwood Conduits of K'thir have practiced the magics necessary to open portals to the epochal realms. The effort is taxing and only the youngest among the epochal elves are able to be brought over.
    Deck Limit: 2
    Nora Cost: ????

    Champion Stats
    DMG: 12 | SPD: 5 | RNG: 1-2 | DEF: 1 | HP: 48

    Champion Abilities
    Attack: Magical | This unit makes a Magical attack at its Range. This is a basic attack.
    Iron Will | This champion cannot be Charmed, Possessed, or Distracted.
    Slothful- After using an activated ability this champion becomes Immobile for 1 turn.
    Summon Elf | Summon a *Young Epochal Elf* with no upgrades to target adjacent space. CD: 5, AP: 5

    Upgrade Path I
    Farshot 2 | This champion makes a ranged attack at +2 RNG and +1 AP. CD: 0, AP: +1
    Hold the Line | This champion gains +2 DMG, +2 DEF, +1 range, Planer Bound, Unstoppable, Defender, and Defensive Strike until it moves. This ability does not stack. CD: 3, AP: 2
    Readiness | This champion has a bonus to DEF equal to half of this unit's AP (rounded down).

    Upgrade Path II
    Take Root | This champion loses Take Root and gains Uproot, Skirmisher, Immobile, Camouflage, and Multiattack 1. It also gains +2 DMG, +2 DEF, +5 MAX HP, and +1 MAX RNG. CD: N/A, AP: 2

    *Young Epochal Elf*

    Race: Elf | Class: Wizard | Size: Small
    DMG: 9 | SPD: 5 | RNG: 1 | DEF: 1 | HP: 26
    Abilities | Attack: Magical, Sweep, Teleport 1
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Instead of an Elven Trecaller this champion is a tree that calls elves! I'm not sold on the 1st upgrade path but generally like the rest of the kit. Any suggestions are welcomed!
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    For those helping me with suggestions, this champion is meant to be a summoner that has some melee fighting capabilities. Being a Wizard and Plant, this champion is meant to have synergy in a Wizard decks, Magic Amp decks, and in Plant decks. Thanks for the help!
  4. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    To add to his path II:
    Healing Mind
    Ally: K'thir Forest

    Why Ally? I think the ability is underused and could be redistributed a bit. Healing Mind would be a nice option for wizards as they lack a wizard healer. Ally on the other hand could act as a mini-reverie by granting +1 AP to all deployed KFers.
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Be careful with ally, it's a crazily strong ability.

    That said, love this champ :D when is @Sokolov gonna take the hint, give us more epochal stuff pleasssssssssssse
  6. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    Put this guy in the tile right next to contested font, use take root and hold the line and he reaches everything inside the font having 6 def, 16 damage (that can be amplified). If opponent leaves the font and you are still rooted, you summon wizard elves with magic nova (from throne) and sweep, which is a lot of non-direct damage, epsecially for summons, while your first ability line doesnt make any sense. Oh and I think defender works on class, so your epochal elves and another KF wizards would benefit from +2 def.
    I can't comment on lore stuff, because I'm not interested in it, so a tree summoning elves makes sense to me.
  7. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Just re-read the Path II. No, just no. Hold the Line + Take Root and he'll become even more difficult to remove from a font than a wisp (and people already complain about wisp being OP). I'd replace it with Defender instead.
  8. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Healing Mind is perfect for an upgrade. It would usually heal itself but can heal others with the right set up.
  9. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Healing Mind states that you cannot heal yourself though. There's a clause saying, I quote, "Not including this one" to prevent self-healing I believe.
  10. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    To reduce 1v1 potential.

    When you design champions try to think creatively also about stats. They're really important. For example how about giving him 60 base hp? or 4 speed?
    Btw. I dont think wisp needs so much hp on base. He's already tanky with one with nora and fairies need better spell protection more than raw health.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  11. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Wisp has 48 hp. That doesn't really count as "tanky" for a champ like it HP-wise.
  12. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    it's a lot for a fairy. you can easily add+10 from banner and chained, and he has evasive+one with nora. you can add also fan faire. well... he's just got more hp than other fairies. He steps out of the crowd in fae.
  13. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    Does it?

    It doesn't look THAT scary now, does it?

    This is a different topic btw and let's not litter Xirone's idea thread with it.
  14. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    Okay, let's talk about Gnarlwood conduit: So, he's literally a monster in magic amp. First turn he deployed a small wizard elf, yet he is still a threat in combat. third turn he moved into mid font, where he used take root and hold the line, where he got with his teleport 2 and 6 speed. slothful doesn't make any difference in playing him, because you can move and then teleport. deploying an elf is also an ap consuming ability, so you coulndn't move anyways(unless the situation is complicated). Range 1-2 is actually the best range I could imagine having both hold the line and take root. To punish him a bit, so he's not that ideal, I would change his range to 2-4 or even 2-3, and change weird mobility upgrade line, unless you want him to be a mobile magic tree.
  15. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Switched around some of the stuff, took 1 DEF off, and changed the upgrade path. The champion still has the option of having both Hold the Line and Take Root but now must upgrade both of them. I'm not sure it is balanced but it is an early sketch of a slow elf-calling tree!
  16. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    @Xirone I think hold the line and take root can't work together, even if the champ invests upgrades into it. In Wizards it becomes a 68/73 (depending on whether you run Conclave Warden or not) HP 5 DEF 16 damage 1-4 tower of death within the font. Slap throne of the circle and it gets spell resistance. It simply becomes impossible to remove from the font.

    I still suggest Upgrade Path II to be:
    Healing Mind

    This way he either focuses on being supportive towards others or towards his summon ability.
  17. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    You need to remove Farshot from U1.

    Why? Mainly because farshot is an ability that should be on a champ that deserves it and not just thrown on one to give it range capabilities. Not all melee units need a way to make range attacks, it would defeat the purpose.
    I would slash his dmg to 10 and give him spell aegis. From the way you are painting the picture, this tree shouldn't be some KF version of Bone Elemental cause atm that is what it exactly sounds like, just better.
    Etherielin likes this.

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