gold bonus tokens

Discussion in 'Training Grounds and Game Guides' started by Savain, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Savain

    Savain Member

    Have they been removed? dont remember where i got my last one whether it was in a pack or not....
    rodar likes this.
  2. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    You can't buy them anymore, but they're still usable, if you have any.
  3. Savain

    Savain Member

    is gold being redone in the revamp then?
  4. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    no, they just don't commercialize gold bonus token for the moment, gold is still functional, you can buy packs, boxes, decks and avatars with gold, individual, non limited/legendary runes can be bought with shards that you get sacrificing other runes.
  5. Savain

    Savain Member

    yeah I was trying to create a amp fire bg with gold but got frustrated with the core packs only giving rares :) I speak a few days trying to cp a bg but halfway through i realised i was either missing stuff or realization that it just wasnt viable so i stopped now trying to decide what I should go for, i have skywing taint theme on my sl but got absolutle creamed by a mobi hungry dead split bg in ranked and decided its time to rethink and make a new bg.

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