How do you beat Kanen?

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by daeminicus, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. daeminicus

    daeminicus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    To me are Kanen overeffecient and cheap atm for what they do. All the buffs stacking up, boost 3, warbanner and idol! Thats +16 hp, +3 dmg and +2 def!

    And not to forget Spark Crone with surge? Its kinda insane imo.

    I dont know how to deal with them, how do u do it?
  2. undred

    undred Devotee of the Blood Owl

    with difficulty :)
  3. thea1006

    thea1006 The King of Potatoes

    well i would do it with crystal dragons and skybreak dragons. Kanen piles up a lot of weaker champs that use a lot of attacks that dont do much damage. if you have a 7 defense crystal dragon that also does 12 damage to any champ that melees it and all the other champs within 3 spaces that could melee it, using pack mentality once with three creatures would probably kill all three kanen at once. thats not to mention that with the skybreak, you can put him next to the dragon and do 2x aura damage to the melee champs and then add 12 damage to everyone within three spaces of the crystal dragon if you hit him with the aura too. and the skybreak will heal a crapload. trust me, it works
  4. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    lol NKD
  5. BroWatchThis

    BroWatchThis Devotee of the Blood Owl


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