How I would re-make euan

Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Anotherblackman, May 22, 2015.

  1. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    Totally being compliant with the fact that DoG nerfed his ethereal hammer for reasons unknown... I am proposing a redesign for our support hero, Euan Ironfist.

    While since his history of conception to the game, Euan always held onto the title, Combat support. With emboldened(removed to become surge enemy) back when everything was rare and exotic, the guy used to be a force to be reckoned with having massive hp and defense. This was combined with his consecrational powers(he was the first to make C.T.E. terrain on a champion). Having Etheral hammer ensured he never had to get Too close to combat to make an impact, and he had the option of block 1 on base forever along with mountaineer(also the first champion released with it) as he would trek through the battles of poxanthuru and whoop ass with his E hammer. How however was reduced to a powercreeped version of Poxnora and soon even he was getting powercreeped cause loads of champions had high damage and confuse could be used to bypass his upgrade impenetrable causing him to lose everything.

    When I first viewed him for Dog, I looked and saw that he didn't have mountaineer, both as an upgrade and on base. I thought this was a design flaw(missed abilities and all) but then I realized it had been striped from him. When he started getting collateral nerfed because of things like spreading of his signature ability cause its power to be nerfed and as a result he was mostly only ran for C.T.E. and a respective beater in it, things magnus,crusader and cardinal(all great designs too) can do for cheaper and in different ways. The loss of global prestige. And above all now his hammer and 1-2 range capability and the last straw to this no longer runnable hero.

    I understand he can never go back his premier power level nor soe era, however DoG has shoeboxed our hero and here is why.

    Lack luster abilities that don't synergize well with stats and other abilities.

    Lack luster stats

    easy target due to lack of protection abilities and no real ways to gain damage output.

    If I were to redesign him this is how I would do it:

    Euan Ironfist-cost 84-95 aiming for it atleast

    range-1-2(this needs to come back)
    hp-52(not as sturdy as his brother)


    Attack physical


    Euans hammer(meh Dog removed it cause it was OP obviously yo)

    Battle-master 2( same as hammers range, besides I don't think he be over seeing stuff a whole lot outside of hammers range, muchless can see with it glowing so dang bright)


    upgrade path 1


    Pathfinder(hugely needed and would work very well with support mechanics)


    Upgrade path 2

    block(1 or 2)

    regal presence


    I dunno how much he would cost but It would beat deploying this sorry soggy sack of drunken random abilities as is.
    Hero worthy Comboes:

    Regal Presence + pathfinder

    Instead of having Prestige (and its powercreeped anyways) Why not give him a real reason to run FF IS. With regal Presence and mountaineer or pathfinder, he can lead his dorfs through any thing that made impend their progress, if they can afford it that is, I see this build costing near 95+ for the shear fact that it would make for a strategic set-up for both combat champion control abilities, extra stats, and for map mobility, however he would be a heavy deployment cost and would also be a tempo hit. I say 95 nora tops.

    Dictate +C.T.E. His other expensive build.

    Since paladins utilize lots of support units and are key on their combat champions winning trades so afterwards they can heal, I think dictate and C.T.E. both on him would compliment his Battlemastering.


    Makes him into a mobile threat to weaker melee champions, however with low base damage he can't drop them fast nor solo heal via C.t.e. Made for cheap harassment. WOuld cost his lowest.

    C.T.E. and block which that euan will have a harder time reaching that Angel while hes sitting over the water in ST lake, he can take a hit from the Crystal yeti in front of him, also would be able to heal against it.

    Most efficient.

    do something like give him mountaineer or Give back 1-2 range and remove the CAP of 10 damage OFF HAMMER.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  2. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    Idk jaja, I still like him and Idk if I would want him to be more nora >.<

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