How to approach Champion EXP and Upgrades (+Poll)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Morfeas, Mar 8, 2014.


Champion EXP & Upgrades

  1. All runes are fully leveled (CP'd) and the player chooses 2/4 upgrades

    63 vote(s)
  2. Runes require leveling and the upgrades +/- the nora cost of the rune

    17 vote(s)
  3. Keep the current system

    9 vote(s)
  4. Remove level/upgrade system

    6 vote(s)
  5. Completely rework level/upgrade system

    12 vote(s)
  6. Have each rune levelup to gain a predetermined ability

    2 vote(s)
  7. Other (please explain in comments)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Now that the game is live again, I think a major issue and a not-so-hard to deal with once a solution is decided upon is Champion EXP and their upgrades.
    IMO champions should not require EXP at all, and be simply given 4 upgrades (out of which you choose 2), similar to the way they are now. So essentially, when you get a new rune it is pretty much "fully leveled" and you get to choose its upgrades. I also disagree with the idea of going back to the "upgrades that +/- nora cost.
    I understand that this 1) is against players who have taken the time/money to level a lot of their runes and 2) reduces the income of DOGz as tokens would be p much removed from the game, but I think it is really off-putting for new players, players with lots of decks and players who don't have enough time per day to invest in the game trying to levelup specific runes.
    Either way, I've included a poll to find out what you guys think would be the best way to deal with the situation, and hopefully get a discussion going with the greens.
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Bump because important.
  3. ZWindKami

    ZWindKami The King of Potatoes

    I never really get the idea behind the rune leveling up anyway (aside from forcing players to either buy token or get used to their new champ it's kinda of extraneous at later point, even annoying to some). Bump
  4. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    quick bandage fix is to make all tokens cost 0 or 1 gold; another is code so all runes auto-level to 3 upon acquisition
  5. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Fully levelled seems best. You don't gain anything from playing with an un-levelled rune experience wise that you couldn't gain from having it levelled. In fact, you'd gain more knowledge of a rune's capabilities by playing it fully levelled.

    I think a rework of the system could be a possibility. But if DOG want less options available to certain runes there are plenty of "filler" stats to use in upgrades.
  6. yohex

    yohex New Member

    An interesting combination would be to have runes "fully levelled", in that the player chooses 2/4 upgrades, and have actual levels (namely at 100 and 200 CP) grant random taunts (like the taunts that used to be available pre-SOE).
  7. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Forum rule is not bumping.. Also adressing this on the very first day... dat timming xD
  8. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, shoulda added an option for the"rework" as to please explain/give ideas, otherwise it's just the "I don't know what I want, but I know I don't want what I have now" option.
  9. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Glad to see the majority of the voters sharing our point of view.
  10. avichaif

    avichaif Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Why not it's just help us
  11. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    Originally, runes has several possible upgrades, and could use CP to obtain them. This was a great idea, but ultimately didn't work because many runes would be suboptimal through the first plays through.

    Having CP be recorded and spent on non-gameplay effects like taunts (for example, a champion with 1,000 CP can use a certain taunt, a champion with 10,000 CP can use another taunt) seems like a better way to go about this.
    GameJack likes this.
  12. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I really don't think bringing back taunts is worth investing resources into.
  13. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - I think champions should have access to 2/4 upgrades instantly and leveling can provide cosmetic swag.
  14. only

    only Active Member

    first one.

    on top of saving gold, it would open new design space. think about 4 drawbacks on upgrades. confusing yourself just to temporaly remove those drawback abilities
  15. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    A preliminary question is if champions should keep CP, if it won't affect gameplay (as was the case when it unlocked upgrades). I'm personally in favor of this, as it allows me to show off a champion I play a lot with.

    Taunts are the easiest way to add something cosmetic, and they already appear on some champions.
  16. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    I fail to see the problem with the current system for new players Dx

    One of the best feelings of being a new F2P player is lvling your champeons!
    I mean, imagine you are a new player, you got your starters bgs and you are observing ppl on ranked using their Legendarys and stuff so you will start to farm gold to get the runes you want!, and now with the new stuff you will start forging runes too! you will work a lot for each champeon you get and finally having it and lvling that first Rare and Exotics will feel awesome!
    You people are forgetting that this is a very complex game and it has an exponential type of progress curve.
    You need to force somehow the new players to go through all the abilities and read their description, now, the only thing that makes you do that is the CP system.
    As a new player you start playing a LOT with the same runes and learning their abilities step by step and unlocking your own tactics with the upgrades(this would be the feeling you get when you discover something new) but then as you get more runes this process of lvling becomes a bit annoying.
    This exp system is the perfect filler for that space between having only the starters and getting your very firsts bgs to being hooked by the game and becoming a real client buying currency.

    The only change i would make to this system is:
    When reached lvl max, you don't need to lvl your champs. All their upgrades would be unlocked.

    sry for my bad english, hope i made my point.
    katanafish likes this.
  17. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

    I hate the cp system, it seems designed solely to sell tokens. It'd be one thing if there was some incremental sort of reward or advancement, like when my avatar levels. That happens at a pretty fair rate, and there are tiny bonuses when it gains a level. But with CP, its just a grind until you hit 100, then another grind until you hit 200. For example, in my bg Goblin Arsonists are my shatter option, only shatter is an upgrade so I have no shatter option. It'll take 15-20 games before I get 100 cp and that's only if I use the same Arsonist. Since I have 2 in my bg and they don't always both see play, it'll take AGES to get 100 cp. I've gotten to the point where I do ranked games just for the 2x CP even though I lose every one. As a new player, its bad enough playing with inferior battle groups, but inferior champs too? Brutal.

    It also drives me insane that the Rune Manager doesn't auto-sort your runes to have the highest CP 1st in the list. If I have 14 of 1 champ, why do I need to go through all 14 to find the ones with CP?
  18. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    The system IS designed to sell tokens guys and we need to at least work with the devs here.

    The whole concept here is a rune sink. They give you the rune forge which at the end of the day DESTROYS mass amounts of extras from circulation.
    The tokens are now available at 7.5k gold for 30. FREE rune boxes for say an extended set are 28k gold.

    The ENTIRE idea behind this is to force players to essentially "waste" gold on tokens, there by slowing the amount of free runes being acquired.

    What you might have used as trade fodder to acquire tokens in the past is now blown up in the forge.

    Again this helps to lower the amount of player gold being spent on free runes. Thereby making it more likely people won't have enough gold for what they want at all times and turn to spending cash.

    It's just part of the business model.
    Kampel likes this.
  19. Sepulcher

    Sepulcher I need me some PIE!

    Ideally, I'd like:

    CP scrapped altogether. Tokens are gone, CP is gone, every champ has 2 upgrades they can choose out of 4.

    CP is just another obstacle for new players and adds another layer of grinding that isn't necessary. Pox grinding should revolve solely around acquiring gold for new runes.
    badgerale likes this.
  20. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Disagree.. if they remove thing you can buy with gold then in a month or two ppl will be complainning they dont have enought stuff to buy with gold..

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