How would you guys format a leoss BG?

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by rickyjpen, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Mostly confused on which champs to include and disclude lol. There is of course a couple auto-includes but so many leoss seem viable I can hardly decide which ones to go with :p. I know I wan't x2 paragon of ailur for a cheaper champ since all leoss with the exception of this one are 70+ nora. And magnate x2, druid x2 are also autos. But all the rest are so difficult to decide between xP.
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!!/deck/CyjCiyCyxChjCylcuuCiu
    if you run something like that, you'll autowin a good portion of matches because of the incredible speed, damage output and durability of the fists alone (soul bond stacking is crazy, you keep pressure and you cast a pseudo bubble of protection at the sam time you deploy champions, I would consider upgrading monks soul bond instead of divert with this setup) and another good portion if your enemy doesn't happen to have acounter to mosharn + tales.
  3. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I was actually thinking of running hraken but come to think of it I feel alot safer with mosh :). Good Colossal counter on top of his overall efficiency.
  4. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I rather like this module I was thinking of including x2 of all the soul bond champs in all honesty :)

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