If I wanted to spend money on this game...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrakeArron, Jul 11, 2016.

  1. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    What would be the best option? Since, the only thing that can only be bought with money is the latest expansion, and in my case even if your not someone who thinks spending money on packs is bad, there's not enough cards in the latest expansion that I'm looking for to warrant spending money on them.

    However, I'd prefer not to spend money on anything I can simply farm gold to get. It's more of a personal preference, but spending money on something that can also be bought with a little patience isn't something I like doing. One of my personal problems is having a ton of trouble doing work, so avoiding work buy buying my way everywhere feels off.

    So, anyone have suggestions? Is there, for example, something too expensive to get quickly but important enough that I should spend money to get immediately? Or, perhaps what is needed is for the developers to add things outside of the latest expansion that can only be bought with money (such as, say, purely cosmetic changes to your avatar).

  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Best bet? Next expansion or midterm.
  3. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, in my case there just aren't enough cards I want to warrant it :/. (I'm only building one deck atm, and it will be a while before I think I can make two). I feel like the only people who the new expansion really applies for are those who already have enough cards that the majority of what they get will be useful.
  4. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    next expansion. Even if you don't want them, it provides the most trade currency. Use poxbox as a guide to value and you'll develop your collection faster.
  5. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Well, the alternative is do as HEX and MtG does and make packs only buy-able with money forever. Which essentially means the game is no longer free to play. Personally I like this way :p. It's a compromise. Might not be the best compromise, but still a compromise.

    (Though, I'd prefer this thread not be derailed into debating that subject to much, if you guys wouldn't mind :) )

    EDIT Oh, And I suppose you guys have convinced me. Continue talking if you like, but it isn't really needed.
  6. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I wanted to suggest an avatar, but you can get those with gold now. Dayuum.
  7. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, I have the avatar I need :p

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