I'm sorry I just don't get endless ice burg

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by calisk, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    I like that st has a propagate relic I also like that it has ice front.

    But I don't get its design...

    All the other propagate relics make sense because they have stealth to help them survive till they propagate they also have a slightly more immediate effect like damage and healing.

    But since it'll likely never survive to propagate why not just run a grumble rock and get the ice front with majestic.

    I feel if we were going to have a propagate ice front relic it should of came with something like death nova frost 3 or something so at the least you could drop it and make it tough for melee to kill it or force some positional movement.

    Or give it amp frost so you can drop it near the rear and let it propagate to some advantage
  2. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    Its pretty good for contesting fonts and blocking seism. 25 hp for 25 nora means that it can take a seism and still get a chance to propagate.

    Ice eater is pretty neat too, letting it heal passively and from arctic wail.
  3. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    P sure sok just did this for his own deck.

    Gross abuse of power if u ask me.
  4. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    sok has a personnal deck?
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    He loves bursticade
  6. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    oh ya he did used to play that, he also liked ap lock.

    well regardless I don't think this would help that deck much, not more then any other relic anyway
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
  7. Braxzee

    Braxzee I need me some PIE!

    I would not mind this relic if ST has something other than Jangar to improve relics or move them. I see your point it should so something else that helps in the rear with the gear or have a higher survival.

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