In-Game Rune Manager Suggestion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fikule, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I suppose this applies to all the other in-game website features too.

    But could they be made to scale based on your game resolution?

    Would love it if my rune manager filled my whole window and could display more runes at one time.

    Also, generally for the rune manager, the updating needs fixing and some quality improvements could help.

    1. Updating upgrades do not display in the manager until page refresh.

    2. I imagine the time adding each rune could be made more efficient? (mild delay atm)

    3. Some sort of indicator that a deck is complete (small noise, etc) or a way for new players to know that decks are dynamically saved with each new rune.

    4. The ability search people have mentioned. Also, maybe make this a search box, so you could put in, say "Ichor" and it would just show all champions/spells/etc that reference "Ichor".

    5. Condensing the race list. Right now it goes off the bottom of the page. Letting it dynamically expand horizontally as well as vertically may help.
    GabrielQ likes this.
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I would like if the drop menus (I think they are called that way, the ones were you select the races, and the runes in the trader) could be more comfortable to use, supporting the mouse wheel would be nice.
  3. keishan

    keishan Well-Known Member

    I would also like the button to see the current bg and not just runes in my collection put back

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