Inferno Imp

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by StupidJerk, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    Rune Name - Inferno Imp
    Faction: Underdepths
    Race: Demon, Imp; Class: Wizard;, Size: Small, Rarity: Exotic
    Artwork: An imp, glowing bright orange like melting iron, and white eyes. He has four horns atop his head running parallel to eachother, and his hands are wreathed in blue flames.
    Flavor-Text: Sheoul has no shortage of fire and imps.
    Nora Cost: 86-98

    Champion Stats
    11, SPD: 6, RNG: 1-2, DEF: 2, HP: 40

    Champion Abilities
    Attack: Fire
    Fire Feed
    Burn 2
    Immunity: Fire

    Upgrade 1:
    Flamethrower (+2 nora)
    Fire Acolyte (default)
    Fire Bomb 3 (+6 nora)

    Upgrade 2
    Mischief (default)
    Surge: Elemental (+6 nora)
    Surge: Demon (+6 nora)

    This champion is designed to give some AoE to an imp BG. With Fire Feed and Fire Acolyte, he can survive for a bit in the middle of enemies, but is still vulnerable to being focused down. With Surge :X and Fire Bomb, he can synergize either with a pure imp BG or a fire one, and can dish out a lot of pain over a wide area if he isn't taken out. Flamethrower offers a middle-ground, best if you intend on keeping Mischief. I tried to use Nefari Fireslinger, Shadow Hunter, and Deep Elf Fanatic as points of reference for the cost, but I'm not 100% confident about it, so input would be appreciated.

    How do you guys think this would fit into the new meta? Is it too strong, or is the cost too high to make it viable?

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