Interviewing The Devs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by thunderrr123, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. thunderrr123

    thunderrr123 The King of Potatoes

    Hey guys! Now that Pox is finally going to its new home I wanna do something for this awesome community through my YT Channel MightyMido and as my interviews found success I will try to interview one of the Lead Devs! Get some insight and allow you guys to ask him/her questions.

    To achieve that I will need your support, so like this post, comment and lets make some noise! Devs can confirm if they are willing to join me on Google Hangouts for a live interview. Check out our channel:

    Also stay tuned for the last match in Round 2 of our tourney with Zorbot vs Taylor and the final showdown!

  2. Gedden

    Gedden Administrator Octopi

    Yeah that's a good idea. I'm sure you could get one of us! I would be willing to do it.

    At this exact moment we are all going on 48 hours straight of basically waiting for data so we can bring the game up. I'm not sure we could put our best foot forward as we are all physically and mentally exhausted! Not to mention i'm starting to thing the smell in this room is me... However once Pox comes up (and we get a little sleep) no problem!
    Kampel, thunderrr123 and jenovah2 like this.
  3. jenovah2

    jenovah2 The King of Potatoes

    I have a few questions.....
    Where there other ideas they had for pox prior to change to sony? If there were, what were they?
    What is their favorite color? Where do they go on vacation? What is that average speed of a pidgeon?
    Where did they go to school?
    What is their favorite song?

    Just a few....although the pidgeon one can be left out probably ....
  4. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    i am starting to thing as well. :]

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Good luck! Look forward to the content!
    thunderrr123 likes this.

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