Is that really all that was changed?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DiCEM0nEY, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I mean, balance wise, and according to the patch notes, is that it? Lol.
  2. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    No point trying to balance a game when there is literally no people playing , fix the client , address the bugs. Players should come back ( theoretically, i dont think enough changes were done but il play a few games first and see) and then you can worry about balancing.
  3. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I guess since balancing and coding is done by the same person, this is a valid excuse?

    If that is the case though, don't bother releasing new runes until the game is ready. New runes reek of cash grab.
  4. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    I agree somewhat but they havent released any content in well over a year , and these midterms were ready over a year ago, if they need a payday to keep the game running then so be it.
    fogandsteel likes this.
  5. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Balance is done by Sok. Coding is done by others. Players cry about lack of new content so new content is released.
  6. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    I tend to be quite a reasonable chap on the forums and so on, but this midterm seems rather underwhelming. It has gotten my goat. I usually buy a big box multi buy super duper deal thingy, but I won't be buying anything this time round.

    Would have been better to have no new runes but to fix in-game chat. For me. at least.
    DiCEM0nEY and Ray Finkle like this.
  7. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    Man... working on pox must be the most stressful unrewarding job ever. #respect
    Etherielin, Gnomes and Teardrop82 like this.

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