Is there any chance...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NakedAmerica, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    Pox will be revived today? =)

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Define "today" =P

    However, from the looks of it, it might take another day, if it took 1 day to download, 1 day to upload, then 1 day to fix all the thingsā€¦ and maybe more days to fix all the things =P
  3. only

    only Active Member

    remember 2011 the first half of May?
  4. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    I'd rather not honestly... but yes, and I'm just wondering if i should stop refreshing forums and go to sleep at a normal time =/
  5. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Go to sleep, maybe once you awake you'll find that is up and then you can transfer your account and all that jazz. It will be well worth it, plus sleep is good!
  6. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    That would involve not being the first person to log onto the new client. Who knows what he could miss!? :eek:
  7. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    I'm glad someone understands =(
  8. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Is there a reward? A special forum title perhaps? Greens, please respond...!
  9. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    A pregnancy test, a pair of Geddends used socks, and Senshus own blockbuster card.
  10. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    Yes, you get to play pox when it comes online! You lucky dog

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