Jabs Real Meta of IS list

Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Anotherblackman, May 27, 2015.

  1. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    Let's just stop hiding in those corners and show each other what has been show stealing.

    This will be my little corner showcasing the opinions of the best ironfist has to offer. If it ain't here, I just couldn't make it work.

    Anyways this is a long list so I will post little by little more information, so beard with me:

    Battle mage/Elemental Warstaff
    Code name: The B-Mage.

    I know what you are thinking... B mage bro? Really what's so good about him? Well for starters he's got shielded which already makes him pretty handy and if not you can go spell resistance putting him at 59 nora. 59 yo, this is as close to a friggen draksar marine as it gets gentlemen.

    Anyways one guy I think is often over looked because of recent nerfs to a lot of his abilities. Losing magic immunity base kinda hurts but its better than paying for them all.

    Its not just his price tag that makes him great. See this is where the novelty value pays off for why he is cheap. All his abilities are ranged attacks so this makes him into a pseudo 1-4 range unit. That plus shielded alone is enough to make him annoying. Then on top of that he is a dwarf paladin which means he gets access to regal,War cry, sermon,plate mail damage bonus, and commander. He can reach upper 50s and 60s in the right decks while providing specialty damage. Dunno about y'all but I love this guy.

    Codename: The dorf zeker

    The dorf zerker has returned and returned with avengence. Hostile or pummel both good options if you can utilize them. I take pummel so I can move and get a burst of hits every now and then or save it. He also skyrockets in power in direct combat. Much like pit fighter he is brutally hard to put down like the old English bulldog he is once he gets into combat and as long as you can support him, he can carry for your melee beater/ stalwart for 75 Nora if you want him pansy mode. I run one at 82 cause to many zerkers can mean a nightmare for positioning, but once this ball of hate gets going he is litterally a force.

    Pit fighter
    Code name- The dude

    The dude gets deployed for 70 Nora cause the dude has feint. If the dude has 4 appears on engage he can feint + submission hold some other dude if he has too. The dudes clamp and scrapper combo ensures the dude will lock down that ranged unit. Use him how you may but just know... the dude abides.

    Drunken Thug
    Code name: Old pappy

    Sometimes old pappy can win a game or two cause he's a brute And he can get some tankyness going with a blacklabel. Some times pappy can really soak up the damage. But if he doesn't have his Bud Light, pappy don't do much.

    Dwarven Sharpshooter
    Codename- The Boom.
    With Drunken, he has decent power against any soft Cc like charm, distracted, or fear as well as having aim + piercing shot. If he is parked over a font you have high powered range and detection. While he never had access to far shot since his nerf for too good of upgrades, aim is a decent replacement. Line them up, boom headshot.

    Platinum Wing
    Code name: Pimp Wing

    Not much to say about this champion other than try it in a dwarf or beast BG, give them access to improve range and watch as your phalanx threat range dramatically increase. Pimps range and melee alike.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Thug Life is a boss.

    Try Half-Skeez as a budget DK. Especially in a brew deck. Multi-Attack 2 gives him great threat range and the damage ramps up quick from Violent. Throw Axe is nice too.

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