Juya White-Eyes

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by vipoid, May 21, 2016.

  1. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    What decks do you guys use Juya White-Eyes in (if any)?
  2. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    I want to use her in some deck too... but I tend to look at her and want to buff her and lose my mind on it. I'm a terrible deck builder when it comes to units I like the most, like Juya.
  3. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    Anywhere as long as the champions within the same deck are more or less cost efficient and she's the only one out of line. 97 Nora is a lot but she has a lot to offer mid or late game since her speed allows for some decent damage outburst. Also Declare Target is one of the best AP generating abilities in the game so you can imagine the possibilities.Clearly she is a ranged champion so she still needs support, luckily ST has plenty of low cost options to keep the frontlines busy, not that it means that she will be immune to one rounding because no champion is.

    Keeneye can still make her silly because the conditions granted now bypass evasion/reflexes and she gets strike due to her being a flying champion. No one is safe. ST indeed has the tools to make her last assuming she has been deployed properly. Also Piercing Shot makes it so you don't have to sink Nora on buffing her and just plain benefit from the synergies in your deck, though something like Fast Friends can make her twice as ridiculous.

    Guaranteed, there might be better options which cost less and do just as much with Nora spent on them but I sincerely believe her Hero status is justified, nothing incredible yet allows for a different approach towards the match while she is in play (which is all I want from her or Heroes in general).

    Not the best, far from the worst.
    Goyo likes this.
  4. MouseSoul

    MouseSoul New Member

    I'm currently building one that's sorta built around her, if you like i can show you what I have in mind, grant it is a costly deck to build
  5. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    I'd like to see it anyway.
  6. MouseSoul

    MouseSoul New Member

  7. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    Thanks. Hah, that is expensive.

    Do you think any of the legendary runes could be substituted for less expensive ones?
  8. MouseSoul

    MouseSoul New Member

    well, tbh, they can, any flying ST runes, would do, ii was just keeping it a theme lol, because one of the main runes besides white eyes, is the cleric, commander, healing wind, and your choice of cleansing aura. rank 3 heal, or cleanse, now if you're not familiar with healing wind, attack an enemy champ, then a friendly champ within 5 spaces of that champ, gain 6 hp if not flying, 10 if it is
  9. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    Ah, that's good to know.

    I'll try a cheapskate version of the deck and gradually acquire the legendary runes if I can.

    Thanks for sharing it. :)
  10. MouseSoul

    MouseSoul New Member

    well make sure to ask a older player about it, Im still newish, but it seems like it would work pretty decently, but try to find a way to make it fun, and work your style into, to make it even better ^^ keep modding it as well, things will always improve, if you practice
  11. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    2x Healing Hand overkill
    2x Dariu's Favor overkill
    2x Pilgrimage overkill... Experienced users doesn't even play it (not me, of course)
    Orb of Frostfall relic is garbage
    2x Gale Force must have
    Favor of the Queen doesn't seem to fit here, it's used for super champs deck, and you seem to build up on the army side.

    Did you try Strig Windrider? It boost up your flying units AP with Tailwind, and it's a Ranger.
    Strig Legwhip is anoter Ranger, but not as interesting I believe.
    Also consider Yeti Scout as your Detection and Shatter source since he's a Ranger too.
  12. WafflePounder

    WafflePounder New Member

    Let us know how this bg goes for you. I was thinking of doing something very similar

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