KF/SL Tortun 'Mutate' Deck; Need Feedback!

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Shell Dorado, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    Hey, everyone! After a long run with the traditional Tortuns and the recent FW split that's so popular right now, I wanted to try something new. I had the idea of Doing a SL Tortuns deck like what you would see Pre-vamp, but I wanted to try something new. I got the idea of Mangleshell and his crew on the Rotmaw succumbing to the widespread mutation in the Sundered Lands and wanted to base a deck around it.

    I'm aware that this is a suboptimal concept, but I want to try and make it the best it can be. After a little experimentation, I have compiled this rough draft:


    I would really love any kind of tips or idea on how to improve this theme and/or make it more viable!
  2. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    Most problems I had with any Tortun split was the lack of magical damage. Maybe it was my bad luck, but whenever I was running some Tortun split, I was spending lots of resources on dealing with Ethereal Units, Spirits of the Mountain(the worst of those are melee-capable ones, that make TBM hard to use). I also 2 x Menglcan Lord just to make sure, he is deployed as soon as I start pushing. I also cannot resist putting Risen Grenadiers in any Tortun BG(they could be interesting with Minefield - relic forces repositioning).
    Second Mengclan would be important - with so many spd5(even if they are semi5speeders). I would also try to squeeze Magnetize somewhere - it does too many things at once. I haven't also tested if it triggers automatic Long-Fuse Bomb explosion.

    Does Slamhammer his job well? I haven't played him, never found place for him with Fishkissers/Corsairs/Groundpounders as melee options. I'm a great fan of Corsair myself. Try to test Battle Fatigue - with so many Unstoppable Torts you have spell for 35 nora, that allows you to 1v1 contest with ease, is a great when launching an offensive, or when forced into defense.

    Sub-optimal concepts are the bread and butter of Tortuns. That's why I love them.

    EDIT: Forget about Grenadier, I'm too deep into FS to remember, that KF excludes some of Tortuns.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
    Shell Dorado likes this.
  3. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    Thanks for the tip; I'll keep an eye on magical damage, but I'm confused. Maybe I'm just not up to snuff on my terminology, but what is TBM and what is Menglcan Lord?

    Magnetize is a good idea. I was considering it, but haven't shelled out to get a copy of the rune yet, definitely going to include one when I get it though.

    When it comes to the Slamhammer, at the end of the day, I just think he's overcosted. I like him for his multiattack and his stun, but he's definitely not the best melee tort right now.
  4. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    * Mengclan Lord is Draksar Interrogator - I am still fixed on old name.
    * TBM is just short for Tortun Battle Mystic

    I'm into the idea, I guess, I'll wrap up some runes and play the SL split myself - I'll post my BG with some comments after few games.
  5. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Replace 2 runes and it becomes a FS split.
    Then you get a much better faction bonus!
  6. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    That's a real snazzy link you made there, OP.
    I like it.
    Shell Dorado likes this.
  7. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    ;D Thanks, darling.

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