KF/Stitched. Seeking Advice

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Xuldorl, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Xuldorl

    Xuldorl I need me some PIE!

    I don't have a group as of yet, but I wanted to pitch the idea and see what sort of input I would get on it.

    I want to attempt to create a battlegroup that integrates the stitched with KF, in some manner. While I am rather fond of the De'lim theme, I won't narrow things to that strictly for this concept. What I want to know is, what runes in KF would integrate well with the stitched theme, or which stitched would integrate well with the tools made available with k'thir forest?

    Is this concept something that could be made even remotely competitive?
  2. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Vinetouch is universal kf racial-split-enabler. If you go with trees you can also decon your own sapplings with granted auras and spam overgrowth on remains.
    Stitched have some wizards and magic dmg to amp. You can save 1 slot by using murder and eradicate path for sarinda.
    The main problem with all this, however, is that you don't have enough slots to make it consistent. If you get decent draws - it plays really good, if not - you have to endure terrible start comparing to consistent decks.
    SL/powerstitched and FS/psychostitched are much more consistent btw.
  3. phdstax

    phdstax Active Member

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