KL/SL Beast Split

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by IceHippo, May 5, 2014.

  1. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    I was looking for some feedback on the latest BG I've thrown together. So far I've won my only MP game I've played with it against what appears to be a good opponent but I haven't tested it much. It plays very close to my pure KF Beast/Vashal BG just with a lot of Monkeys for ramping up boost and a little sand abuse thrown in, plus shriekers are great for contesting/harassing. Oh, and Jek does ludicrous damage in this BG... just wish he didn't die so easily.

    http://poxbase.com/#!/deck/cp4$iFciQcy C7tC8LC5HCtocddCdKS8os6wsas5hs73s4Ks2tr2Yr2qr2Ie2ue25
  2. guokamoli54

    guokamoli54 I need me some PIE!

    Gotta fix the title bro lol "KF/SL Beast" I do like the BG tho I would suggest maybe skeezick herders even tho they are better in FF SL. Jek does seem insane in this BG that's for sure. The only thing I would change is your spell/relic/equip set up it seems kind of all over the place. I would run skystorm spear for jek. Try to fit in a quickening and maybe a sandspout and acid storm as well as natures wrath.
  3. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    Yikes, I'm good at titles... Thanks I didn't notice that. :)

    I made most of those changes, although I couldn't really fit a Skeezick Herder in very easily and feel the Snake Charmers work a bit better as I wouldn't gain a lot of nora from desert herder and gain a fair bit of free meat from my fomented snakes. I'm also going to leave out Nature's Wrath for now as with acid storm I'm very AOE heavy. Not sure why I wasn't running skystorm, the damage potential is outrageous. Well, I'll continue to tweak it and when I have it down well I can post a later version.

    I should note that I lost the two ranked games I played with it as originally posted, both v. exos. The first was due largely to some mistakes on my part, and the second, because I couldn't overcome a weak draw vs. Sixul, but it does show a lot of promise and is very efficient. The key seems to be striking a balance between using the cheap SL Champs without wasting them in such a way as to keep them alive long enough to give my heavy hitters the dmg they need. Spacing is also crucial, as it's basically game over if two Mandrils are within range of the same AOE3.

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