Knockback and thorn trap

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Javier Romero, May 23, 2014.

  1. Javier Romero

    Javier Romero The King of Potatoes

    the enemy unit activate a land mine relic the unit was knockback pass the thorn trap range and it didn't active the thorn trap .
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I experienced this aswell, but with the enemy passing above common traps (the ones from lay trap: x) involving a compond knock back movement including a land mine and a slam unit. It was something like this:
    s=slam unit, t=traps, e=enemy champion, l= landmine, - = empty space
    s l e - t - = initial set up.
    then s attacks e, and land mine triggers, this always cause the enemy champion to move 3 spaces, it seems that knockback effects override each other, so it's 1 space from slam untill land mine triggers and then 2 more from the land mine effect.
    s - - - t e = final set up
    what happened is that the unit moved above the traps without triggering them. I do this kind of slam + land mine setups a lot, and it works fine when moving through poison clouds or slamming a wall.

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